
Friday, June 08, 2012

A Never-Ending Avalanche of Shit

Man, the news has been NON-STOP BAD for Obama lately.

There's the Clinton subterfuge (undermining the very meme - that Romney was a vulture Capitalist - that propped up Obama's candidacy) and the devastating Wisconsin loss weren't enough, now we have Holder on record talking about Fast and Furious and his answer is, essentially, "I wasn't talking about THAT Fast and Furious."


The New Party thing is back and proven to be true this time. Obama really did join the Socialist New Party back in 1997, even though his Campaign officially denied it in 2008.

Now admittedly, the The New Party thing is not going to pierce the consciousness of the American Public. It's too obscure. And Fast and Furious is, as of this juncture, too complicated, but I get the sense that this is building, and there is a lot more to come.

For instance, Issa is also accusing Holder of stonewalling on the Holy Land Foundation, and of course, we know Holder completely destroyed the Black Panthers Voter Intimidation case. Maybe Holder will have more on that front as well?

Additionally, the rug was pulled out from underneath the Zimmerman case, and today Dershowitz says that the Public Prosecutor in Florida called Harvard and went on a 40 minute rant saying she was going to sue the school for Dershowitz exercising his right to free speech. The net effect of this is, it is becoming obvious that not only is Zimmerman innocent, but the prosecutor is playing politics and willing to outright lie (a lie through the purposeful excising of information pertinent to the charges) in order to bring charges against the young man.

This would not reflect on Obama and Holder except that they both stepped into it in a very nasty manner, by insisting that the case was an example of how America is still racist. It looks like racism has actually gone the other way, against the "White Hispanic" Zimmerman, and the White Public in general. Surprise, surprise.

And, of course, in the past few weeks there has also been

the jobs report (which is really the most devastating of all)

the Anna Wintour (Devil Wears Prada) Obama Campaign commercial,

the outright lie that Obama has spent LESS money than any other President,

more and more association with the  Hollywood elit,

and the sense that the Obama's are completely out of touch with the pulse of America just grows and grows.

It's just getting worse and worse for Obama.

What could shift the attention away from Obama's failures? He'll be grasping at any sleight of hand he can think of, that I can assure you. The ultimate would be to bomb Iran. Obama may be forced to become a man in the eyes of the public, and continue the tradition of American Military Might that he so loathes.

Truth is, he'd probably fuck that up too.

Notice Obama's bragging about Osama seems to have garnered him no favor, in fact, I think it has had the opposite effect. The American public seems to see right through the churlish President suddenly playing he-man Warrior, bragging of his gutsy call like a still in-the-closet wannabe tough guy stuck on a barstool with no prospects at 1:55 AM.

AND, I forgot to mention the fact that FEINSTEIN is calling for investigation into the Bin Laden Operation leaks, as well as the leaks surrounding the Stuxnet virus.

This is a lot of shit all at once.

Has any President ever had such a mountain of shit coming down on him all at once?


  1. If the election were held next week, I think that he would lose.

    Of course, we are still several months away from November.

    So, let's hope that more shit comes down on him -- and guarantees his defeat.

  2. Woohoo! Check THIS out? Excerpt:

    A US Federal judge has clarified a decision made last month with some news sure to upset the Obama administration: the White House cannot use the NDAA to indefinitely detain American citizens.

  3. He can't do the job, it's just that simple.
    Wrong guy.
    Wrong time.
    Wrong position.

    Jimmy Carter was best suited by desire and temperament to crusade housing for the less fortunate. This guy is suited to organize the downtrodden into communes.

    GO FOR IT. You will be so much happier, and so relieved Barack, you won't believe it. 50% of the time you can pull a Palin and make speeches, and make a fortune WHILE YOU ARE DOING IT.

    Go in peace, dude. BUT GO

  4. AOW,
    That's another bit of good news.

    Obama's anti-Americanism is being repudiated at every move these days. Hopefully it keeps up.

    We are a long way out from the election still, as you point out.

  5. Epa,
    Obama, unlike Carter, seems to harbor no doubts about himself.

    Carter never admitted doubts, but instead blamed everything on the American people.

    I honestly get the sense that when Obama blames Bush, or periodically, the American People, it is more a diversionary tactic. It's not that he doesn't believe that Bush gave him a bad deal, it's that that bad deal really does not go against Obama's plans anyway.

    As Rahm Emanuel said, "never let a crisis go to waste."
