
Monday, June 11, 2012

The Nipple Heard Round the World

I never thought I'd say this, but I admire Madonna.

From Showbiz 411:
Madonna knows how to get publicity, and she’s using all the tricks in her book. On  stage in Istanbul  this week, she purposely bared a nipple. The result is a viral video.

After the nipple is presented, she turns her back to the crowd. And on her back is a tattoo (stenciled, hopefully) that reads: “No Fear.” You gotta give her credit.


  1. If; if there's any Kufir skank anywhere who truly deserves a good ole' fashioned, brutally violent, Mohmmedan gang rape, this nasty turd fits the bill.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Good question. They've got to blame someone. Right?

    The truth is, Madonna is pretty much beyond the wrath of Turkish officials. What I mean is, the power of her celebrity is such that Turkish officials can not arrest her, or punish her in any way. The resulting hatred, directed at Turkey by the rest of the world, particularly the United States, would be too much, and would weaken Turkey's standing in the world. Turkish officials are fully cognizant of the fact that they can not afford to waste their limited credibility on such a ridiculous figure as Madonna, and that if they did so, it would only serve to make them look foolish.

    Being that Turkey's big political opportunity these days depends on great acceptance, and maybe even full membership in the "European Union", they can not allow their nation to betray it's betrothal to Sharia.

    So, since they can not take it out on her, they likely will take it out on some functionary.

  4. I can only imagine the comment you're responding to because it's deleted. Regardless your response is self explanatory and exactly correct. I would add that in the twisted deception filled domain of the Mohammedan mind, they are in fact doing good by allowing her to debase herself and the perception of her culture publicly. After all in the long run, and they always seem to think 'in the long run', it will further the advance of the Cult of the Pedophile Profit. To them all's fair in war and the advancement of the Death Cult. Sadly to the 'enlightened' fools about to be enslaved here in The West all's not even fair in war anymore.

  5. Lord knows why Pete Rowe felt he needed to erase his comment.

    All he had written was, and I quote,

    "Wonder what Turkish government functionary is going to get in trouble for letting her perform in Turkey."

  6. For my part, I do not think a woman showing her nipple is "debasing herself."

  7. In the manner in which Madonna does it?
    We have a strong difference of opinion then.

  8. She's ridiculous, disgusting, lacking in perspective on her own desirability, etc. She was never, in my opinion, an attractive woman. Even as a young woman, she was repellant to me. I have never known a heterosexual man who thought she was hot. The only heteros who've ever banged her were social climbers. She is a loser in a society who vaunts losers.

    But, she has the right to do what she does. It's called Artistic Expression. The only thing debasing about it is it's sheer stupidity. But, I'm not sure such an exaggerated estimation of her own attractiveness attains the level of actual self-abasement.

  9. And yes, for the record, I do recognize that there is a distinction between what a person has a right to do and that which is debasing.

    But, if a person exercises control over the character they create, and constructs a reasonable ironic distance between their own personality and the part they play in the public eye, I do not see artistic expression as debasing.
