
Monday, June 04, 2012

Number of persons unemployed


Number unemployed 27 weeks or longer

Average Length of Unemployment

Number of Job Openings in America

Number of Persons Unemployed



  1. Hi Midnight.

    The federal government considers those Americans to be "not in the labor force" so they are not included in the unemployment rate. In fact, this is one of the key ways that the government manipulates the unemployment numbers.
    The total number of working age Americans not in the labor force now stands at 87,897,000.... So when you add 12,673,000 and 87,897,000, you get a total of 100,570,000 working age Americans that do not have jobs.
    Anyway all these numbers made my head spin and i was wondering what's the actual population of America?

    May 4, 2012 U.S. Population: 313,478,000.

    The Census marks the under-18 population at 73.9 million on July 1, 2011.

    73,9 under working age + 100,570,000 million working age unemployed Americans = 174,470,00 Million that don't work.

    313,478,000 U.S. population - 174,470,000 not working = 139,008,000 working people, this means that only 44 % of the population works.

  2. Hi Will. I'm not sure which ones you are talking about as "not in the labor force."

    The 12,500,000 I refer to is the number of unemployed Americans counted as the 8.2% unemployed (and are therefore part of the labor force).

    But beyond that you are correct, the number out of work is actually much higher. Pastorius had a piece about it a week or so ago I think (5 million americans lost) as did I around May 4 or so.

  3. Hi midnight .

    I got the 'not in the laborforce' from here:

    The post can be found here:

  4. Will -- here's the difference. There are indeed 12,673,000 who do not have jobs. But they are still counted as being I the labor force because they are looking/collecting unemployment while they do so.

    There are an additional 87,897,000 (I don't know where they got that figure but it's not the first time or place I've seen it) who are not looking (for whatever reason) and are therefore not counted in the labor force.

    For a total of 100,570,000 who don't have a job.

    But of that 100+m 12.6m are still considered part of the labor force even though they don't have a job.

    And then folks wonder why they can't get a reliable number but hey, this is the government, and it was going on long before Chicago Jesus came along.

    Now, as for the last part of your equation up there don't forget of the 66% of the population that doesn't work and isn't part of the other demographics a big chunk is retired or too young to work.

    Still, the issue remains that ther are 12.5m "officially" unemployed and 3.7m jobs to go around.

    Which is a little worse than 1 job for every three that are counted out there (and an even worse ratio if we count the ones the gov't won't).

    So when the numbnuts on eeVee start running on about how they pity all these poor out of work people how terrible for them and their families let's cut off their unemployment so they go out and get a job. . .

    where the hell are those other 2 unemployed supposed to get a job and what are they and their families supposed to live on until they do?

    (yeah, I know, I'm repeating my rant but Hannity Bolling and Stein really pissed me off this weekend. (And that dipshit broad Andrea Tantaros, too.) Among others.

  5. where the hell are those other 2 unemployed supposed to get a job and what are they and their families supposed to live on until they do?

    And right THERE is the point at which the Right doesn't connect with the reality on the ground. Maybe they think that you should go out door-to-door and offer to mow lawns? Hell, I dunno. WHAT they are thinking?
