
Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Obama believes the most important issue of second term is 'climate change'

From the American Thinker:
President Obama is quoted in a New Yorker column by hooked-in journalist Ryan Lizza as believing the most important issue to address in his second term would be climate change
"Obama has an ambitious second-term agenda, which, at least in broad ways, his campaign is beginning to highlight. The President has said that the most important policy he could address in his second term is climate change (italics mine), one of the few issues that he thinks could fundamentally improve the world decades from now. He also is concerned with containing nuclear proliferation."
Do we have the most obtuse President ever in the Oval Office? 

Tens of millions of people out of work or underemployed; pension funds at risk; the entitlement crisis is getting worse every day it is unaddressed; the oncoming "fiscal cliff" threatens to throw us into another recession (predicted by the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office; Taxmaggedon begins on January 1st; our deficit is enormous and we have accumulated trillions of dollars of debt under his presidency with nothing to show for it other than high unemployment and high debt; and Barack Obama believes climate change trumps these concerns?

He has political tin ears.

Is he so surrounded by an entourage of yes people, is he so swayed by wealthy environmentalist who shower donor dollars on him, is his vision so occluded by the blinders that he apparently must wear when he is not in public that he does not realize the public is increasingly skeptical of the claims that there is such a thing as man-made climate change?


  1. Hi Pasto.

    Nothing new there, this was one of the long term plans.

    Google: Shorebank , climate change , carbon trading - Obama.

    Who's making money of the global warming scam?

  2. Obama is like a Magic 8-Ball, producing random pre-determined responses that need not have anything to do with the question even if they 'make sense' to some people. Just as his response to the credit crisis was 'health care overhaul', his response to current unemployment and stagnation is 'solve climate change'. Ask a different question, shake the Magic 8-Ball again, and it still might come up climate change.
