
Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Wait, We've Got To Try?!?

If we have to try, how is it any different than Capitalism?
President Barack Obama told a crowd of donors in Philadelphia on Tuesday that his “vision” for America “is more consistent with our history and those moments when we’ve been most successful as a country” than his opponent’s, according to a transcript of his remarks.
Despite presiding over a crushing economic recession and historic levels of national debt, Obama maintained that he will uphold a “bargain”: “If you work hard in this country regardless of what you look like, where you come from, what faith you hold, who you love, that you can make it if you try.”
Obama said that he would ensure Americans are “doing their fair share, so that we’re not just relying on cuts to programs for the vulnerable or for our kids.” He also will ask “those of us who have been incredibly blessed to be born in this country, for us to give a little back and to think about the future.”
Keep reading…
Quite frankly, boys, it sounds like this here Obama fella has invented a new thing. Let's call it, "Schmapitalism".

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