
Wednesday, August 22, 2012

And so goes the BNP, it can’t die fast enough for REAL, actual conservatives

Telegraph UK:
The BNP looks like it is coming to the end of its existence, the political party’s decline and fall having a suitable touch of comedy. Having collapsed in the polls since their 2009 heyday, party leader Nick Griffin is now displaying the most obvious symptom of a movement in disarray –turning his energy on rivals.
As Matthew Goodwin of Nottingham University explains, Griffin has produced a report on the English Defence League, “claiming that behind the EDL lie a number of shadowy neoconservatives and ‘Zionist terrorists’ who are seeking to manipulate public concern over Islam to launch new wars and split the far right nationalist scene”.
Of course, as Griffin makes clear, “neo-con” and “Zionist” do not mean “Jew”. Not at all – just those Jews who believe in a Jewish state, and who are nefariously controlling big business and the media to ensure Jewish domination of the Middle East and possibly the world. You’d have to be a very paranoid Zionist, sorry Jew, to sense anti-Semitism in this document.
Good riddance.
Ironically, I can say, terminated with extreme prejudice
Next asshole racists pretending to be conservative, please step forward, or should I say VORVARTS!

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