
Saturday, August 25, 2012

Infidel Babes of the Week?

Are YOU going to argue with them over it?

The Blaze:

46 Reasons Why Iran Should Think Twice Before Attacking Israel (Hint: Women With Guns)

Iran has been beating the war drums this week. But the Ayatollah and the Iranian Guard should know what they’re up against. Israel is the only country in the world that maintains obligatory military service for women. And they are proud of it.

So we decided to thumb through some of the best (reported) pictures of Israeli women in the military to see what Iran is up against. Here’s what we found.

Israeli women know variety

Pictures of Israeli Military Women

all photos

Israeli women are mechanically inclined

Pictures of Israeli Military Women

Israeli women can go for a walk in the park

Pictures of Israeli Military Women

Israeli women are packing more than just makeup

Pictures of Israeli Military Women

Israeli women love accessorizing

Pictures of Israeli Military Women

Did we mention they love accessorizing?

Pictures of Israeli Military Women

Israeli women can carry their necessities

Pictures of Israeli Military Women

Did we mention Israeli women can carry their necessities?

Pictures of Israeli Military Women

Israeli women have great taste in eye-wear

Pictures of Israeli Military Women

Did we mention Israeli women have great taste in eye-wear?

Pictures of Israeli Military Women

Did we mention that?

Pictures of Israeli Military Women

Israeli women have twins

Pictures of Israeli Military Women

Israeli women can do this

Pictures of Israeli Military Women

Israeli women can hang out alone

Pictures of Israeli Military Women

Israeli women can hang out together

Pictures of Israeli Military Women

Conclusion: Israeli women are just like other women, just with M16′s

Pictures of Israeli Military Women

Come on, take your best shot, Iran.

Pictures of Israeli Military Women

check out all the reasons here


  1. ALL the Arab countries need to remember Israel's slogan: 'Never again'.


  2. Hey the sniper chick is actually in my book!

    Also for those who appreciate fine portraiture ..

  3. Tell me again why I don't live in Israel?

  4. I gotta get a Kindle so I can get your book.

    And now, having perused the portraitures link and knowing I'm shortly heading to the wedding of a very hot lady friend I think I better have a stiff drink. And cold shower.
