
Tuesday, November 27, 2012

United Retards of "America"

I don't know about you guys, but I keep getting angrier and angrier, with each passing week, for what has been done to this once great nation, and with that abomination of desolation sitting in the White House.

I find that I really am not worth much as a commentator anymore. After all, what are you going to say about a nation of retards? It would actually be cruel to point out their faults. After all, they can't help it. They're special.

There is no hope for us anymore. In my opinion, the United States of America has ceased to exist. It's been replaced with an intermediate stage Communist nation called "America". It is an Idiocracy on it's way to lockdown Totalitarianism. 

What more am I going to say? We have departed reason. Without reason there is no hope of dialectic or progress.

The idea that decent thinking people could take the country back is a just a mean and tragic joke. It's already been proven we are outnumbered. And that is only going to get worse.

The acrobat has fallen off the trapeze. Send in the clowns so no one notices as the "medics" clean his brains up off the ground. Send in the clowns. Where are the clowns?

Isn't it rich?


  1. We're "snipping hangnails in a season of plague"

  2. Pretty much.

    I'm guessing I'm getting pretty boring and irritating to everyone around here, huh?

  3. Nah, Sean Hannity has set the Conservative Gold Standard there and, compared to him, you're a rank amateur.

    And no, that is NOT a challenge.

    (if I see too many more pics of pHoney Boo Hoo's mom I may barf on or shoot my computer.)

    (diction and syntax fixed previous comment deleted)

  4. You know, it's funny you should bring up Sean Hannity, because I was going to include his photograph in this array of asininity.

  5. In fact, I think I will.

    I really hate that fucking tard Hannity.

  6. America it was not a good idea to re-elect a muslim to the white house...

  7. Pasto,
    You sound depressed.

    Or is what you've expressed here the reality so that the term depression doesn't even apply?


    I feel the same way.

    This IS the hideous reality:

    The idea that decent thinking people could take the country back is a just a mean and tragic joke. It's already been proven we are outnumbered. And that is only going to get worse.

    I don't know why I bother to blog at all now.

    I have no enthusiasm for celebrating Christmas.

    My heart isn't in my work -- and THAT is a first. Work has always been a sanctuary for me. But now I look at all those kids and think, "What kind of future are they going to have?"

  8. The one's who figure out how to exploit the Banana Republic system of extortion, bribery and corruption will do just fine, AOW.

  9. Unfortunately, you are right. I feel the same way, and the worse part is that we were alive and kicking when all this was unfolding. We never questioned openly or fought the progressive devaluation of everything: good taste, manners, which are forms of respect and were developed through centuries to make life more pleasant. All of a sudden bodily noises, fluids, language that not even the lowest of the lowest possibly used, became a common thing.
    My child used to be, or act, smart. She could debate issues, express opinions; now she is either on the iPad or the Mac and watches Family Guy and other programs of that nature. Oh, by the way, my child is 20 so I have to suffer in silence ... Pastrius, have you watched "Idiocracy?" It's awful, but I believe we are headed that way, maybe not in 400 years, but in just 50 or less. Do you think they are putting something in the water? Or may be the chemtrails? (Just kidding, although ...) Anyway, stupidity is spreading rapidly.

  10. I have watched Idiocracy multiple times.

    I have a love/hate relationship with the movie.

    It hurts me to watch, and it makes me feel stupider and stupider as the movie goes on. Yet, it also makes me feel like I am not so alone in this new "America", as at least the people here at IBA and Mike Judge (the writer of the film) understand what is happening and are similarly disgusted.

    The movie is also funny of course. And, that makes it a little less painful, though not much.

  11. I have watched Idiocracy multiple times.

    I have a love/hate relationship with the movie.

    It hurts me to watch, and it makes me feel stupider and stupider as the movie goes on. Yet, it also makes me feel like I am not so alone in this new "America", as at least the people here at IBA and Mike Judge (the writer of the film) understand what is happening and are similarly disgusted.

    The movie is also funny of course. And, that makes it a little less painful, though not much.
