
Monday, December 17, 2012

Honest Question: Is a 30 shot (+) magazine protected by the Constitution?

As of  2:50PM EST 12/18 NOW 80% YES, it is protected


  1. I haven't committed any crime. Why should anyone be able to tell me what kind of gun I can have or how many bullets I can load into it at any given time. The 2nd Amendment isn't about hunting.

  2. Let's pursue this....(nice name, btw, but I find you too concise for that appelation)

    Okay then, if the second amendment is about the people ensuring the govt is in fear of them, where should the line be on weapons which ensure the govt can never infringe your freedom?

    RPG or LAW?
    Personal gatling?
    Crew served weapons?

    You can bet SOMETIME in the few years this EXACT questions is going to be considered by 9 people in DC.

    Where is the line if the 2nd amendment is about the natural right of freedom, and the natural course of humans in any govt no matter their intention to increase their powers?

  3. My apologies. My schedule of late leaves little time for my normally wordy ramblings.

    I think the law-abiding citizen should be able to have any firearms they want and can afford to purchase. The intent of the Founders, as I understand it, was for the people to always have the power to stop a tyrannical government.
