
Wednesday, December 19, 2012

If the 2nd Amendment is NOT about hunting .. where should the line be on ownership of weapons?

Jefferson famously said that either the govt is in fear of the people, or the reverse.

He was also appalled when Madison sent him a draft of the Constitution while he was the US Ambassador to France. His reaction and work with Madison resulted in the first 10 Amendments.

I certainly adhere to the idea that the reason for the second amendment has far more to do with this, than hunting, or personal protection.

That being the case, where is the line on ownership of weapons?

What should be forbidden?


  1. A citizenry inflamed with sentimental thoughts of making the world safe for children is no place to begin having such a grave discussion as to how to divide up our God-given right to protect ourselves from tyranny.

  2. No argument from me, but that's what Bronco wants to ensure, esp. with this commission today and his CYNICAL use of Newtown as part of the Cliff discussion.
    I think that's what going to happen.
