
Sunday, January 20, 2013

Blogger Shuts Down Gates of Vienna Blog Again - Declares Them To Be 'Under Review'

From Israel Matzav, with thanks to Will at THE OTHER NEWS:

Gates of Vienna is 'under review' again, and accessible only to the authors. I hope that they are downloading all their content and moving it to a more hospitable environment. 


  1. Outrageous! I tried their site and then came here. At least your still alive ... at the moment.

    GoV is clearly a sober well-reasoned blog. One may disagree with them but they aren't hotheaded flame-throwers inciting the mob. Is there any way we can appeal to Blogger on their behalf?

  2. That might be a good idea. I'm not a big supporter of theirs, because of my disagreements with them over alignments in Europe, but that is really a minor issue compared to freedom of speech.

    Maybe you could write something, post it here, and then we can send it to Blogger as being a letter of support from IBA.

    Even better, maybe we can get other blogs to participate in signing the letter as well.

  3. I'm out for the rest of the day but I'd like to help. They also have admirers who have some credentials. I know Diana West is one.

  4. Speaking of Diana West, I see she is aware:

  5. What Diana West wrote about there was from a few days ago.

    this is a new problem.

  6. As one who posts often at GoV, both articles and comments, using a psudonym for the former and "Anonymous" for the latter, Blogger's "Verboten" sign is posted on a virtual barbed wire fence with "We are here to help you" goons manning the machine gun towers.

    For it's not only about "Terms of Service." The caption reads: "If you are an author of this blog, tell us who you are! Sign is using your Google account." This reads to me like a Googlebama Schutzpolizei dragnet .

  7. Yep.

    This is all stuff I have expected to happen. I'm not surprised by any of it, though I am disgusted with them that they would choose to make this an issue -and not the very obvious terrorists of the world, who, very obviously, ought to be the issue.

  8. By the way, do you have any idea what the problem might be from "Google's" perspective?

    I heard it had something to do with some highly placed Swedish politician. Is that correct?

  9. No idea, but truth will out, eventually.

  10. Does anybody recall anything about that Swedish politician? Anything at all?

  11. Oops! Forgot to check the comments notification.

  12. The Gates of Vienna Post which explains some of the potential issue was posted on December 20th under the title: "A Swede Interferes"

    SVT, the Swedish state broadcaster requested a video segment titled "A Loss of Faith in Sweden as Democracy" be taken down. Problem was, Gates of Vienna did not upload the video, they only directed traffic to the site which uploaded it and could not take down the video at that link.

  13. Apparently this could be something to do with malicious code...

    Whatever the truth, we would do well to be vigilant. What would Jihadis give to have malware installed on our machines to send somewhere passwords, in turn leading to our email accounts, name, address, location etc? Even with no physical threat, a simple match of our names on a "donor" or "supporter" list put online by some "Anonymous"-type goons could have repercussions with regards to careers, earning power etc.

    For this reason, I would advocate that each "counterjihadi" should use a minimum of 2 computers: One for normal web activity, the other PURELY for anything concerning Jihad, Islam etc - with no data contact between the two. For those worried about costs - the second machine does not need to be state-of-the-art. Just something that would enable you to browse the web, read articles and post comments. A low-end or second-hand laptop, tablet or netbook to fulfil such an purpose should not cost an arm and a leg.

  14. That's a good idea.

    But, you know, it's kind of weird that you leave a link to "malicious code."

    I mean, should we open that?

    I'll ignore it.

  15. It looks like GoV will be back but most likely with their own domain. Who can blame them? How can one work under those conditions? While Google is entitled to run their house as they see fit, it is disappointing that they can't target the dangerous but instead go after the politically incorrect.

  16. Pardon my anonymity,
    As I recommend to any writer creating and supporting blogs such as these, please move to self-hosting rather than depending upon Google to pay for the cost of hosting. Google pays for it, so it is entirely up to them to decide what they will allow to be posted, understandably so.
    Migrating to a self-hosted system is straight forward (export, then import), economical (domain name and unlimited hosting less than $100/year), and will gain bloggers some much needed independence from the Google (and others) overlords.
    Again, please make the move and increase your ability to remain "on the air". If you need input or assistance, just ask here in the comments. Many companies offer hosting, it is simple to set-up and get started. (I have no affiliation to any)
    Thanks, spread the word to every blog that relies on "free" blog hosting such as Blogspot,, etc.

  17. PS I am downloading our entire blog right now.

  18. BTW, insofar as politically correct discrimination, we should ALL be aware that any infringement will immediately be taken advantage of. Which is to say, Google, etc. will try to APPEAR to adhere to the letter of the law while taking advantage of any real technical violation to expunge unpopular speech.

    For instance, Fox News Talk has been DROPPED from XM Radio in the USA. What had appeared to be a contract dispute was really a political dispute. If you have SIRIUS, that channel will end Feb 26. Fox News itself has their contract coming up in Aug.

  19. Thanks for downloading our blog, Epa.

    And, well put on the description of how Google/XM handle things.

    This is the way of the Obamaworld.

  20. Had to laugh at this. I tried to post some stuff about the Roman Catholic genocide of Serb Orthodox in WWII Croatia. GoV didn't publish it. Now they are getting a little of their own medicine.

    BTW I am getting thoroughly sick of so called conservatives who attack Islam quite justifiably, while at the same time showing a favourable attitude to sodomites and other perverts. The reason we have the wrath of God upon us in the West is on account of our utter decadence and immorality, one of the worst symptoms of which is homosexuality.

    Print this if you have the integrity !


  21. Well, there your post is posted.

    But this site is crammed with Sodomites.


  22. In the vein of full disclosure .. this site was among the most vocal and LOUDEST in its criticism of GoV for its acceptance of racist comments without identification of those comments as such by the creators of the site.

    This should be recognized as both our political NON acceptance of racism within this site and movement, ** WHICH IS NOT CONSERVATIVE (but may appear to be to some who reveal themselves as stereotyping as such) **, and our commitment to 'censor free' commenting

    Those who think this site is conservative should carefully think about the idea that to oppose the nearly all the values of today's progressive movement is NOT THE SAME THING as espousing the values as a whole of a Rick Santorum, Michelle Bachmann, Ron Paul or any other person who claims to BE conservative.

    For myself you will find me oscillating idea by idea between HHH and AuH20
