
Wednesday, January 23, 2013

God Save the King, or the Duke, or whatever ..their’s anyway


  1. Hmmm....British version of 'Dirty Harry'?

  2. Listen, thats what the man SHOULD be doing.

    That's what the Lady WANTS.

  3. Prince Harry thinks he deserves a bit of rumpy-pumpy after having dispatched a few Taliban. And who could say 'no'?... In the old days, he could take his pick. I think it was called "aristos privilege".

  4. I remenber those days and they were good.

    I have also been married to the same woman for thirty five years and we have bred and brought up our children together.

    It's not a class thing, it's an age thing, and power to it. It was so much fun and so much the way of things and i remeber it well with a reuful, nostagic smile.

    So, give the young guy a break, he isn't doing anything you didn't want to do, or did do, or failed to do simply because life dealt you an inadequate testosterone hand.

    seneca III

  5. On the contrary, I would think most red blooded americans would say 'carry on'

  6. Dear Prince Harry & Seneca III --

    I've known my wife 30 years, married 27 and I STILL do this from time to time in public. Along with the occassional pinch or "goose".

    It usually earns me a bit of a whap, stop that and a giggle.

    A number of years ao I did it while we were in line to vote, along with tickling her neck a bit.

    Another whap stop that and giggle AND the elderly ladies manning the tables were giggling and pointing at us.

    You're never too old and, if they're being honest, I'd bet Epa and Pasto would say they succumb to it occassionally as well :)

  7. Absolutely. I'll also give my wife a good smack on the ass.

    And she likes to bite me, but perhaps that's TMI.

  8. My wife and I have been together for 24 years, by the way.

  9. 38 years in May, and I DO do it in public.
    Since Mrs Epa is a former gymnast and gymnastics instructor, the results are always entertaining.

    Something about the curve of the tuchus.
    Sorry ladies.

    Well, not really.

  10. NOtice all us bitter clingers stay married.

    I think AOW and Mr. AOW have been married about 30 years, if I'm not mistaken.

  11. Bitterly clinging to our marriages. . .?



  12. Y'know, if you stay married, at SOME POINT, SOME POINT, something OUTSIDE happens and you ARE clinging to each other like two cats on a 2x4 in a flood.
    And you remember why you got married to the other cat.
    And it sticks.


  13. "clinging to each other like two cats on a 2x4 in a flood"

    is that how you describe sex in your home?

