
Thursday, January 03, 2013

Israel 2013 - Czechoslovakia 1938?

Is history repeating itself?  Please watch the video (hat tip to Will of MFS - The Other News):


  1. This standard would be fatal to Pakistan/India and Jordan as well.

  2. Something tells me that the Likud and its leaders are no Benes, or Masaryks.
    A cataclysmic regional war involving every WMD imaginable is a rather more predictable outcome than another Munich.

    Say, how about those Syrian biological weapons?

    If Israel were to go down the historical lesson to be considered would not be Czechoslovokia, but rather a certain ancient religious sacrifice to Dagon, and it's consequences.

  3. Well, if Israel was going to take out Syria, don't you think they'd also take out Iran at the same time?

  4. Anything overt Israel does will cause a regional war.
