
Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Glenn Beck on the trail of Al-Harbi

PHOTO: New evidence on Saudi national, Glenn reads cover of event file on radio

Quote from Jay Severin (Blaze radio)

There are two msm reporters who have picked up what Glenn Beck and Blaze talked about today. Those stories were killed by their editors.

There are people who are risking their jobs and possibly their lives by releasing the information to Glenn Beck.


  1. Did you read the thing saying subject has one prior event and is inadmissible to the US? That guy Janet Napolitano said the event was made "just in case" and by mistake.

    Also it says he entered Boston POE (point of entry? Airport?) in August of 2012. His Facebook suggests he entered the US in January of 2012.

    I'm assuming this file is in the possession of some congressmen? WTF are they doing about it?

  2. This whole thing stinks to high heaven!

    Rep. Jeff Duncan, R-S.C is aware of this and is demanding all of the information on him.

    We are now in the wait and see mode.

    Glenn Beck is a tough cookie. He won't shut up about this until he has answers or is dead.

  3. Yeah I see that Glenn Beck isn't giving up on this and that's good. And what I like about Glenn Beck on this issue is that he has evidence and isn't just talking out his ass.

    Here's my take on this whole issue. I think the media and the White House admin has the advantage. Anyone questioning the administration on the Saudi guy will be branded as racist (oh the racist Republicans are going after him because he's not white).

    This one is going to be an uphill battle (as has been the one about Benghazi). I really hope that enough good people stand up to defeat this evil in time so that more damage can be avoided.

  4. Makes you wonder, who else are they hiding?

    How many more Saudi's who are considered a threat are here?

  5. By the way, your title says "El-Harbi" which would make it more Egyptian Arabic or even Hebrew. His proper name would be Al-Harbi according to the classical Arabic and that of Saudi Arabia.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Jay Severin is ALL ROOT (as long as you are not mexican)

  8. Michelle Obama was reported to visit TWO Saudis at the hospital, but that was the first time I heard someone other than Al-Harbi was in custody. Any idea who the other Saudi might be?

  9. The other Saudi is a female student. I will try to look up her name again but it was published in a Saudi newspaper.

  10. Just to clarify. Ajjaji was never in custody.
