
Saturday, May 25, 2013

the era of American dominance in international affairs may well be coming to an end..deep social and intellectual transformation underway in Asia promises to catapult it from economic power to global leadership. China, which remains a closed society in many ways, has an open mind, whereas the US is an open society with a closed mind.”

Kishore Mahbubani is Dean of the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy at the National University of Singapore.
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Sorry, decline is a choice, dude


  1. You know, it's not just that we are an open society with a closed mind (though that is a brilliant observation).

    It's also that the reason we have a closed mind is we are completely at odds with each other, and incapable of being motivated in any particular direction.

    Our leaders have all been educated in Communication Studies and Pussifism.

    We have no leaders.

    Anything the citizenry wants is shot down.

    The answer for America would be to kill our leaders, except for the fact that they have shot our ranks so much with third world detritus that we don't even have forces anymore.

    America is no longer existent, as far as I can tell. It is a nebulous idea in the mind of a ADHD person in the middle of a sugar binge. There is no there there.


  2. You know, it's not just that we are an open society with a closed mind (though that is a brilliant observation).

    It's also that the reason we have a closed mind is we are completely at odds with each other, and incapable of being motivated in any particular direction.

    Our leaders have all been educated in Communication Studies and Pussifism.

    We have no leaders.

    Anything the citizenry wants is shot down.

    The answer for America would be to kill our leaders, except for the fact that they have shot our ranks so much with third world detritus that we don't even have forces anymore.

    America is no longer existent, as far as I can tell. It is a nebulous idea in the mind of a ADHD person in the middle of a sugar binge. There is no there there.


  3. "Decline is a choice." THAT is brilliant! Look at Argentina. We have been making wrong choices for the last 60+ years. And we keep going down. Nothing can stop us now.

    Once the moral fabric of society is torn, it's very hard to fix it. The individual minds have been bent in ways that make recognizing the importance of self reliance is impossible. It's a lot easier to lie down with the mouth open and expect something will fall from the sky ...

    Welcome to the Third World mentality! Sorry dude ...

  4. "... in the US, many intellectuals are not fulfilling this obligation ...?"

    In this, the author is wrong. Seeing the US lose it's leadership in the world is a dream come true for these elites. Of course, they will keep covering the truth so the populace will continue in their slumber. These intellectual elites cannot allow people to wake up until

  5. This guy is having a 3rd>2nd world wet dream. Not only is he heralding the end of america as an influence maker, culture setter, and military and economic dominant, he is bashing the (CLEARLY GLEEFUL) academic critical thinkers who should be (and ARE, factually) publicly considering that end.

    He is wrong on the second count by fact. But what he fails to consider is that no society has ever been better positioned to think about the cyclical turns caused by labor fleeing to the lowest cost (which is what underlies his conclusions, btw). For all the author of that article can say, the sweat shops of Bangla Desh, and suicide prevention manufacturing-dorms of Shenzen will be supplanted by even lower cost production items from automated manufactories or fabri-printers in Vermillion, SD manned by 5 highly proficient IT people.
