
Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Oh Sad Albion

From Bookworm Room:
Whenever I'm in these places, I feel as if I'm where I belong. I love the look of the places, the sound (I really like Celtic music), the art, the history, the accents, and the ordinary people I meet on the street. I even like the way these places smell. Whether I'm in Scotland or a Wales or the English countryside, there's this indefinable green, flowery, fresh smell that I've never experienced anywhere else. 
Having said that, I hate the fact that the UK has flooded itself with Muslims, raising the strong possibility of a majority population that has values antithetical to everything that is British; I hate the way the welfare state has leached away British values and backbone; and I hate the ascendency of anti-Israel and anti-Semitic feelings throughout the whole of the UK (and Ireland too). 
The UK, from Scotland on down, fundamentally lacks vitality. All of this means that, when I'm walking around glorying in a place that feels like my spiritual and aesthetic home, I can't decide whether I'm the equivalent of someone foolishly in love with a dying consumptive (very Bronte-ish) or if I'm the equivalent of someone even more foolishly in love with a wife-beater - and I'm the wife.

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