
Thursday, August 29, 2013

Video - Video provided by Syrian rebels claiming to portray Syrian Army troops firing a chemical weapon munition

From Will at THE OTHER NEWS:

Video - Video provided by Syrian rebels claiming to portray Syrian Army troops (in RG appearing gear) firing a chemical weapon munition. It is obviously not an Iranian Fajr-5. Over at Roque Adventurer blog, observer notes similarity to an Iranian Falaq-2 launcher.HT: UskowiOnIran.

Video - Claimed rebel chemical weapon attack, reported by Iranian journalist inside Syria.


  1. Video provided by Syrian rebels?

    1. Rebels want world to believe Assads troops could be filmed dispatching/launching chemical weapons from what appears to sound like a stationary location on a busy highway - in plain sight?
    2. Not all the pedestrians milling around the launch vehicle in video 1 are in uniform. Is this normal for Assads troops?
    2a. How difficult is it for rebels to acquire a few military uniforms to portray themselves as Assad's troops?
    3. None of the pedestrians appear to have taken any safety precautions prior to launch. No gloves, helmets, safety gear visible in entire film.

  2. Good observations Anonymous , i hope everyone else is that smart.

    If they come to our blogs i guess they are. :)

    Strange for someone able to afford Rusian iskandar missiles that they use such 'crappy' launch pad vehicles
