
Thursday, September 26, 2013

Out Of Jail And Talking

Nakoula Basseley Nakoula, the filmmaker blamed for the September 11, 2012 attack on the United States consulate in Benghazi, that is. Nakoula is a Coptic Christian.

The 14-minute film Innocence of Muslims (Sorry about the brief commercial at the beginning):

Excerpt from the article, published this week:
...[Nakoula] was the only person to end up in jail after the attack by Islamists that killed Ambassador Christopher Stevens.


“I like to warn this country about terror. My movie is a political movie, not a religion movie,” [Nakoula] said. “The U.S. gives me a lot. I live in this country. We’re living in this country.”

He said he didn’t intend for his work to hurt anyone.

“I want to apologize for any inconvenience or misunderstanding about my movie,” he told WND.

And he said he appreciates Muslims and has Muslim friends, and not all Muslims are for terror.

“It made be very upset when I heard about Nidal Hasan [an Army officer radicalized into Islam who shot and killed 13 at Fort Hood]. He came from his country, and the U.S. gave him education, gave him life, a position in the Army, everything.

“It hurts my feelings that he says ‘allahu akbar’ and kills these people.”

But Nakoula said that’s the “culture” of terror, where jihadists want to “go to heaven right away.”...


“‘Innocence of Muslims’ is about how much the world will suffer if we don’t stop the culture of death and terrorism as soon as we can,” he said.
Read the rest HERE.


  1. Nakoula is either

    1) being used as a political tool/distraction by the Hillary camp
    2) is actually a paid employee for the Hillary camp

    since the timing of
    1)his arrest coincided with Hillary's Benghazi fiasco
    2) his release coincides with the kickoff of her 2016 presidential run.

    Nakoula's work is 'amateurish' and that's being very kind . . . His communication skills utterly suck. I just don't buy into his narrative at all.

  2. I agree with you that the "film" is amateurish. All the more reason that it shouldn't have been used as a cover up for Benghazi. Even IF Muslims are offended by the "film," that speaks to their pathetic mindset.

    If Nakoula is indeed a Copt, then I doubt that 1) being used as a political tool/distraction by the Hillary camp
    2) is actually a paid employee for the Hillary camp
    . To my knowledge, Copts are not Clintonites.

    The timing of the "film" was that of convenience for the Benghazi lies, IMO.

  3. I think the film may have been used as a pretense (known in advance) by either

    1) the Muslim Brotherhood

    2) Obama

    3) both

  4. I agree w/ Pastorius' take-
