
Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Russian Court Declares Koran "Extremist Literature"

Let the Great Jihad begin.

Bring it on, you pussies.

This is awesome.

Slaughtering Infidels: It's In The Koran

“According to the report on the study by the Forensic Center… in the books there are  statements containing a positive assessment of hostilities of a group relative to another group of persons united, on the grounds of their attitude to religion, in particular, Muslims against non-Muslims; as well as the statements of encouragement, for semantic understanding calling for hostile and violent actions of one group of people against another group of persons united by religion, in particular, Muslims against non-Muslims.” “…the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation to include the Edition to the federal list of extremist materials.”
Russians are once more becoming heroes. No matter how sad it sounds that we now have to turn to a bunch of commies and delinquent KGB officers for any common sense (‘commie-sense’), Putin has proven to be one of the few voices of reason lately. Let’s not forget that Putin warned Europe and the U.S. repeatedly for many years not to permit Muslim immigration into the countries, or they risk an endless infiltration of extremists and deliberate expansion of radical cells within the country itself by the Muslim immigrants they let in. No one listened to him. We are firmly heading towards the same situation we saw in Kenya yesterday. It’s only a matter of time.


  1. " We are firmly heading towards the same situation we saw in Kenya yesterday. It’s only a matter of time."

    We already have-Ft Hood-
    and=I believe there have been others that the islmaists have not been identified as the perps...

  2. Can't argue with the facts.

    Amazing, Putin is positioning himself as "defender of the faith." Is this a crazy world or what?
