
Friday, September 27, 2013

The Science Is 95% Settled

We're Going To Disneyland

From Sky News: 
Climate scientists are attempting to shore up flagging public confidence in measures to control greenhouse gases with a crucial assessment of global warming.
The latest report from the Intergovernmental Panel On Climate Change (IPCC), delivered in Stockholm, warns that it is now 95% certain that global temperatures are rising and that human activity is to blame.
It says carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere will rise to double pre-industrial concentrations by the middle of this century, and that will result in a global temperature rise of between 1.5C (34.7F) and 4.5C (40.1F).


  1. Climate scientist warns of impending global-cooling crisis, Crater Lake receives 8 inches of snow in 24 hours. @littlebytesnews

  2. Totalitarians never give up. They will push this lie forever.

  3. They also state in the same report they have no explanation (save a roll of the environmental dice) as to why temps since the last report really haven't changed.

    And how about those rising seas wiping out all those islands?
