
Monday, November 25, 2013

If this report is true, Obama has gone full circle and you can expect political CIVIL WAR in the USA

Israeli personnel in recent days were in Saudi Arabia to inspect bases that could be used as a staging ground to launch attacks against Iran, according to informed Egyptian intelligence officials.
The officials said Israel, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Jordan and other Arab and Persian Gulf countries have been discussing the next steps toward possible strikes on Iran’s nuclear sites.

The officials said the U.S. passed strong messages to Israel and the Saudis that the Americans maintain and control radar capabilities around the skies of Iran and that no strike should be launched without the permission of the Obama administration.

Now is there anyone in Israel or in KSA who would TRUST the USA with prior warning of an attack?
Put yourself in the shoes of either the IDF or the Al Saud. Would you rather, say initiate an attack via Dolphin submarine launched missiles against Iranian air defense targets, and other military assets, and then low altitude penetration of Iran by air, and ONLY THEN inform Obama, or would you give Obama an hour’s warning?
Or would you LIE to Obama to use his arrogant amateurism against him in some manner designed to diminish him further?

Is everyone getting where Barack Obama’s policies beginning with the Arab Spring are putting some of America’s allies?

Is everyone getting the point about the previously unimaginable situations?
Israel did not inform Reagan when they took out Osirak, and they are not going to inform anyone about an attack on Iran’s U-235 or Plutonium capabilities.
Period. That’s supposed to make the point emphatic. Someone made that point to me recently.
If the USA were to take action against (formerly) American allies using military force against those those who LITERALLY threaten their existence and also have strong support inside the USA for REAL HISTORICAL reasons of repression, pogroms and genocides, think for moment about what would be going on here.
These people in charge are so inside der fuhrer bunker they are DELUSIONAL about both the world and the nature of the unintended consequences of the desire for ‘peace’.
If this report is true, what is he signalling Japan over the Senkakus?

1 comment:

  1. Barack Obama has made it clear throughout his public life that he believes American has behaved in an Imperialistic/Colonialist manner, butting it's nose into the business of other nations, dictating policy to them, rather than allowing them to look out for their own interests.

    So, he has initiated policies towards Egypt, Libya, Syria, and Iran, which have allowed those nations to pursue their own interests,


    I and others like me have been saying this from the very beginning.

    It is clear this man is an enemy to our friends and a friend to our enemies.

    He made it clear with his words for as long as he has been in public life.

    And now he is making it clear with his actions.

    I really, truly feel like I am owed thousands of apologies.

    Bitter Clinging Tea Bagger
