
Sunday, April 06, 2014

Missing #MH370 Purposely Skirted Indonesia to Avoid Radar

NDTV reported:
Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 flew around Indonesian airspace apparently to avoid detection after vanishing from radar screens on March 8, a media report said today, suggesting the possibility of a more sinister reason behind the jet’s disappearance.
Malaysian authorities, citing expert analysis of satellite, radar and other data available, concluded earlier that the ill-fated flight from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing ended in the southern Indian Ocean.
According to previous information, the Boeing 777-200 aircraft turned back after disappearing from civilian radar in Vietnamese airspace, and was detected by Malaysian military radar in the northern Strait of Malacca before vanishing from all radar screens.
After reviewing radar data provided by neighbouring countries, investigators have now found that the jetliner curved north of Indonesia before turning south toward the southern Indian Ocean, CNN quoted a Malaysian official as saying.
The official also suggested the possibility of a more sinister reason behind MH370′s disappearance a month ago.
The plane’s flight path clearly showed that someone on the plane was piloting the aircraft in this manner to avoid detection from Indonesian radars, CNN said, citing the official.
The latest finding added to the already prevailing assumption that the plane was flown deliberately along a route designed to avoid radar detection.


  1. Malaysia: Utusan sees truth in theory blaming CIA for MH370’s disappearance

    Umno mouthpiece Utusan Malaysia today said there may be truth to a conspiracy theory blaming the Central Intelligence Agency, or CIA, for the disappearance of the Malaysia Airlines flight MH370.

    The daily's assistant editor Ku Seman Ku Hussein said it was time "to think outside the box" about the biggest tragedy to affect Malaysia and the world aviation history, saying the incident could be a ploy to tarnish the good relations between Malaysia and China.

    "If the CIA could arrange for the attack on the World Trade Center in New York on September 11, 2001, it is not improbable to link MH370 with the intelligence agency," he wrote, referring to speculations on the involvement of American intelligence in the 9/11 attacks.


    MH370 Tragedy: There shouldn't be any blame game

    KUALA LUMPUR: There should not be any blaming game in the search for the missing Malaysian Airlines (MAS) flight MH370, said MCA President Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai.

  2. MH370: Object washed ashore, plane sighting causes stir in Maldives
    Sunday, April 06, 2014 00:00 Article Views : 294

    GEORGETOWN -- Questions are being raised in the Maldives while the international search-and-rescue mission for missing Malaysian Airlines Flight MH370 continues west of Australia.

    Attention is being focused on an object that resembles a fire suppression bottle for aircraft found washed ashore on a beach at the northern Maldivian island of Baarah on March 24.

    The website Maldives Finest ( has featured a series of reports, together with photographs of the object.

    In particular, the website’s editorial stressed that questions are being raised on why the authorities are not releasing updated information on it.

    “Are they simply trying to ignore the fact that an object possibly belonging to MH370 has been found? Or the authorities want the world to focus on the depths of massive oceans just to say, at last, the plane may never be found?” the report said.

    “We can’t believe Boeing and the Malaysian authorities are not aware of this object. Why have not they said anything so far?” it asked. “Why are the major news networks not reporting this?”

    (Incidentally, the secretive US military base on the atoll of Diego Garcia is about 700km south of Maldives, or just about an hour’s flight for a Boeing 777-200ER like the one operating as MH370.)

    The website has also tagged Boeing and MAS on a Tweet button on its page, and is encouraging concerned readers to click on it to tweet the message:

    “@Boeing @MAS What happened to the possible Fire Suppression Bottle found washed up on Maldives beach? #MH370”

    Maldivian news portal Haaveru Daily ( first reported about the object when it was found on March 24.

    The residents alerted the police who handed it over to the military.

    Haaveru then reported on March 26 that residents had assumed the object to be a bomb or sea mine, but the Maldives National Defence Force (MNDF) said it was not an explosive device.

    It also quoted an experienced local aircraft engineer, who wished to remain anonymous, as saying that the object is “very likely” to be a fire suppression bottle from an aircraft, but could not say which type of aircraft without seeing it in person and cross-checking the part number on it.

  3. In Maldives?!?

    The Gods Must Be Crazy.

  4. Why not in the Maldives. 7 total airports, 2 of which have runways 8600 and 10000 feet (Airbus 380s have landed there) plus the island chain is Islamic
