
Tuesday, April 01, 2014

Proof That Leftist Government is a Replacement for A Traditional Marriage/Husband for Women

OFA Obamacare Pitch: Get A “Sugar Daddy To Pay For Those Medical Bills”

They deleted the tweet but Twitchy copied it before it went down the memory hole:


  1. I think maybe that is being misread. It's not GET a sugar daddy etc it's GOT a sugar daddy? i.e. do you have someone who is going to pay for medical bills that you can afford not to be covered.

  2. I see what you're saying.

    So, if you don't have a Sugar Daddy, then the government will pay them for you, huh?

    Do you disagree that people think Obamacare is about the government taking care of their healthcare? Do you disagree that subsidies are, in fact, the government kicking in tax dollars to pay for healthcare?

    Here's another news item that came out today:

    Liberal Success! 7 Million Sign Up for Obamacare & You Get to Pay for 5.6 Million of Them

  3. Yeah I think you know the answer to that already, wiseguy. I was merely pointing out the quote was being misinterpreted, not that it makes it any less offensive.

  4. Well, I'm not trying to be a wiseass. But I had read three comments in a row (the other two not by you) taking me to task for sloppiness.

    I did not agree with any of the three comments.

    Maybe I ought to write more to explain why I think the things I post are relevant so people don't think I'm either a) not understanding the content, or b) trying to change it's meaning.

    For instance, Charles Martel was telling me the the fat girl in the video who is explaining why she will never work seems to be either performing or mentally deficient. I told him I agree with his assessment. However, whether she was a hip performance artist, or mentally deficient did not subtract from the meaning of the video, which is, imo, she is the epitome of the Honey boo Boo Obama voter who has saddled us with the worst President in history.

    Sadly, we live in Idiocracy now.

    I do not see that changing.

    The Republican Party has, in reaction, become as fucking stupid as the Democrat Party.

    I'm quite sure the Repub Party will put up a ticket of Bush/Christie in 2016. That's what they want.

    I will not vote for those piggish assholes.

    I will write in Dwayne Alizondo Mountain Dew Camacho.

  5. I wasn't taking you to task for anything. At least it wasn't my intent. Merely an observation. In fact, I think it even more offensive as it is because it is sarcasm aimed at the people these fuckers are supposed to work for.
