
Thursday, April 03, 2014

Two Attacks In Less Than 10 Days

Let us remember that this month's attack at Fort Hood is the second attack on a military facility here in the United States in less than 10 days.

On Monday, March 26, there was a killing on the Norfolk Naval Base: Jeffrey Tyrone Savage.  His name wasn't released until Thursday, March 29. No digital footprint found.  That lack of digital footprint seems strange to me — as does the delay in the release of the name.

On Wednesday, April 2, SPC Ivan Lopez killed at least three at Fort Hood.  How much digital footprint do we have on SPC Lopez.

A pattern?

BTW, there was another Ivan Lopez — also military (or former military). See "When A Soldier Brings War Back Home," dated May 26, 2011.


  1. Note how quickly the msm released the identity of the newest Ft. Hood shooter as Ivan Lopez while they hesitated last week with Savage. Since there is continued reluctance by those that knew Savage to discuss what they know about him, I'm suspecting there was the possibility the authorities held up his identity to cover for potential links to the RoP while Lopez did not leave that impression.

  2. Via MyPetJawa:
    Update: Mediate has this:

    According to KWTX-TV, Lopez was an active-duty soldier, who worked as a truck driver for the U.S. Army.

  3. Anonymous,
    I'm suspecting there was the possibility the authorities held up his identity to cover for potential links to the RoP while Lopez did not leave that impression.

    I have that same thought.
