
Tuesday, May 06, 2014

Islamofascism grows in Africa

A former US ambassador says the government's turning a blind eye to the threat of Islam and Boko Haram in Nigeria:
Former U.S. Ambassador John Price told Fox News’ Lauren Green the U.S. is putting “blinders on” and ignoring the threat posed by the Nigeria-based terrorist group Boko Haram.

He says the militant group’s current violent streak is a result of Africa “not being on our radar screen.”

“Congressional [leaders] don’t know much about what is going on there,” Price said. “We don’t get in there and talk about the real issue which is radical Islam is growing.” [...]

Suspected Boko Haram gunmen kidnapped nearly 300 teenage schoolgirls from a school in April. Their leader is threatening to attack more schools and abduct more girls.

“There have been thousands of people killed, many attacks mostly against Christian churches and now even Muslim children are being attacked in schools,” Price said.

The U.S. announced Tuesday it will send military and law enforcement personnel to Nigeria to help rescue the kidnapped girls. Price suggests the U.S. also send drones stationed in nearby Niger for intelligence gathering.
I should hope they'll make a convincing effort to find and rescue the girls from those barbarians. The former ambassador's got a point; too long has the Islamic monster been allowed to mutate on the African continent, and this is the result.

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