
Monday, June 23, 2014

Did Koskinen Actively Mislead Congress?


From Ace of Spades:
Ace researcher (I mean he's an ace at research, not that he's a researcher for Ace) Morgan Richmond notes this interesting tension between two statements made by IRS Commissioner John Koskinen. (Most of this post is actually Richmond's analysis and writing; I've edited it a little, and added stuff near the end.)

Last week, Koskinen testified that it was "my decision" to withhold this information from Congress in February when IRS discovered that Lerner's emails from 2009-2011 were missing due to crash. he says that at 1:30 here.He says he didn't want to tell Congress something that would cause Congress to "leap to conclusions" about the missing emails.Now, per his recent testimony, he says he knew that the emails were lost (or possibly lost) due to a crash. He further says it was his decision to not tell Congress about this.But compare this to his testimony to Congress on March 26. Representative Trey Gowdy asked him specifically about emails from 2010 and why they couldn't be retrieved more quickly:
Continue reading


  1. The little gnome is a PUBLIC SERVANT. Somebody needs to explain that to the arrogant prick.

  2. Hopefully LeRoy will explain it to him in prison with a good ass-rape.
