
Monday, June 30, 2014

Tragedy: 3 students found murdered

It's just as I - and many other people, to be sure - had feared: the kidnapped yeshiva students were found dead:
Police have found the dead bodies of the three Israeli teenagers kidnapped by Hamas activists three weeks ago.

This evening Israeli authorities confirmed reports that the human remains found earlier this evening near Hebron were indeed the bodies of the abducted teenagers.

The security cabinet convened an emergency meeting as the IDF boosted its military presence around Hebron.

The yeshivah students - Israeli Eyal Yifrach, 19, Israeli Gilad Shaar, 16 and Israeli-American Naftali Frenkel, 16 – were last seen near Hebron on June 12.

Today, Israeli officers were dismissed after an investigative body found a “serious failure of conduct” on the night three teenagers were kidnapped by Hamas activists.

The investigative committee, which released its report today, found that operators monitoring the police emergency hotline had mishandled a phone call on the night of the kidnapping (June 12).
I'd say the police now have a lot to answer for. And the Hamas definitely must be made to pay a very heavy price for their sadistic act. This is what happens when faustian pacts are made with terrorists, and now, the authorities are going to have to prove themselves capable of taking down the jihadists maiming this country and its citizens, including the PLO.

Here's more on the topic at USA Today.

Update: PM appropriately calls the murderers "human animals", and says that Hamas will pay for their repulsive crime.

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