
Thursday, June 26, 2014

UNINTENDED CONSEQUENCES:The storing up of political vengeance

Now that the Lois Lerner email catastrophe has attained Rose Mary Woods status, and democrats AS AN INSTITUTION IN CONGRESS AND THE SENATE are uttering support for the admin line that there is STILL no there, there, and people like Chuck Todd wonder with drooling idiocy if there is any victim to this event, I have to wonder if  …
Since it appears that the admin has gotten away with Benghazi, the VA, IRS, bungling EVERY SINGLE foreign event of consequence down to the level of BLOWING THE OLYMPIC VENUE, yaada  yadda until we all empty our stomachs … if the republicans being hardly better, if at all, morally or ethically than the democrats, will conclude that if they do NOT execute political vengeance on the dems by using the out of control executive branch dept authorities as THEIR tool —- they are SCHMUCKS.
And that will be that sports fans,
Who will feel any loyalty to an america like that? 


  1. I cannot think of a better reason for a flat tax or some other mechanism that essentially abolishes the IRS than this scandal and the fallout.

  2. I honestly hope the American people execute vengeance on the whole lot of them, and that means the Republican establishment as well as the Dem/Leftscum.

    Old fashioned vengeance, like Ceaucescu and Mussolini.

    These people are do not deserve to be in positions of service of this great nation. They do not even attempt to represent the American people.

  3. No one yet has articulated the truth about the Illegal alien children yet.

    Here's the truth:

    Obama is effecting a Population Transfer which, in it's sheet numbers, and in it's complete disregard of the lives of these children, is the literal and moral equivalent of the 18th century slave trade.

    Obama is a horribly evil human being, Epa. There is no getting around it.

  4. Pasto,
    Bill O'Reilly, whose show I rarely watch, has mentioned that this administration is creating a subclass -- in essence, a slave class.

    Brit Hume maintains that there are Einsteins among these illegal immigrant children and are, therefore, the future of America.

    Einsteins? Really?

    Brit Hume also maintains that we have a moral obligation to take in these children because they are the equivalent of Jewish refugees from the Holocaust.


    In August, we shall see just how overwhelmed the school systems are as these children from Central America continue to pour in. Get ready for real estate taxes to double in two years. I don't now about you, but I can't afford a doubling of my real estate taxes -- to $10,000/year.

    Furthermore, if real estate taxes do actually double, what will happen to rental rates? I lease a house to a family member. No way is that house worth double the rent!

    And how will people on fixed incomes afford double the rent?


    Jeez, just what we need, more Red Sox fans!





    What else can you call this?

    This is our President, guys.

    We the People are RESPONSIBLE for what is done in our names, just as sure as the Germans were responsible for what was done in their names.

    Take this seriously.

    This is not a joke. It's your souls.

  7. Vengeance begets vengeance...Given the IRS, NSA, EPA scandals each of which yield enormous control through levers-of-conscience/guilt ...any republican party vengeance will be retributed by exposing the once private vulnerablities of those Republicans who dare make such a move. The democrat party has enjoyed absolute unfettered and unaccountable access to the most private details of any and all opponents who dare challenge their transgressions.
    God only knows what they have on Boehner, Graham, McCain, or any of the elected officials representating the people. Question is, is anything being held over their heads really worth the wholesale selling out of this enitre nation ?

  8. Pasto,
    We the People are RESPONSIBLE for what is done in our names, just as sure as the Germans were responsible for what was done in their names.

    Not sure that I agree with that. I'm not big on collective guilt.

    We are getting a taste of how powerless many objecting Germans were. I personally know one: her brother was forcibly inducted in the Army of the Third Reich, placed on the front, and dead within a few weeks after completing his training.

    So, what must WE THE PEOPLE do now? What moral obligation do we have now -- right this minute.

  9. In other words, what must we do this very minute to save our souls?

  10. Well then, let's put it another way,

    whether we believe we are guilty or not, we WILL be punished for it.

  11. Pasto,
    whether we believe we are guilty or not, we WILL be punished for it.

    Strongly agree with that way of stating the problem for WE THE PEOPLE.

    Furthermore, at some point very soon, WE THE PEOPLE need to take steps on a moral basis.

  12. See if you agree with this:

    Obama has done a lot of bad things. The IRS targeting is, itself, an attack on our Democracy (both electoral and 1st amendment), and is probably the worst offense to Americans,


    this UAC situation is, in it's complete disregard of the lives of these children, is the literal and moral equivalent of the 18th century slave trade ...

    it is a moral offense to humanity in general.

    The punishment will fit the crime.

    The crime is a crime against humanity, and the American people will be punished for it.

    I'm shocked that people are not recognizing the gravity of this situation.

    Meanwhile, we have people saying Obama is naive, and that he is in over his head, etc.

    This man knows what he's doing. He just doesn't care about our Constitution, and he doesn't care about human beings.

    He is a plague.

  13. If you are an ideologue, you cannot see individuals because you are helping the unidentified, faceless mass, of another time, in another 'place'.

    If Obama believes himself here to better the world, then these children ..... are a part of that.

    This is how the thinking of this kind of stupidity goes.

    And those who see the practical awfulness and even crimes .. are in the way of progress and therefore doing bad. Or worse.

    It's because the children are 'brown' they are deprived of our benefits here. Or it's because he is not 'white' everything he does is opposed.

    We desperately need republican majorities *****IF***** they will stop all this madness. If they are going to be the servants of the Murdochs and the Gates' and the $$ needing cheap labor, prepare for a revolt and great civil unrest
