
Thursday, July 31, 2014

Remember This On The Next Election Day

WE THE PEOPLE still have the ballot box, and conservatism is calling (with a hat tip to my good friend Mustang):

There are 530,000 elected offices in America.


  1. Thanks AOW.

    It really bothers me when good people stay home at election time. If there is ONE good person running for anything - even dog catcher - on my ballot I owe it to them to go out there and give them my vote. They have put their time, money, and reputation on the line. I haven't risked anything.

    I'll leave the rest of my ballot blank but I will vote for the deserving few.

  2. I never miss my turn at the ballot box.


    It is my duty as a responsible citizen to study all candidates' platforms and to cast my vote.

    My parents drummed this responsibility into me. From the age of 4, my mother and father took me to the ballot box with them so that I could see them cast their ballots as their duty as citizens.

  3. And...Mr. AOW votes in every election, too.

    When he was in the nursing home in 2009, we hired a taxi -- very expensive at a time when we were really up against the possibility of medical bankruptcy -- so that he could vote in the Virginia Gubernatorial Election.

    When I had retinal surgery last year, I made sure to get the absentee ballot because I wasn't allowed to drive.

    I don't believe in staying home on Election Day.

    I have occasionally opted for a write-in on my ballots, but never for POTUS.
