
Thursday, September 25, 2014

Islamic State Opens A ”Cinema” In Mosul To Show Videos Of Their Murderous Rampage

From Zee News:
The Islamic State (IS) Sunni radical group has opened an outdoor “cinema” to show videos of their brutal crimes and terrorise residents of the northern Iraqi city of Mosul, which they have controlled since June. 
The macabre spectacle began last week amid the groves and thickets along the banks of the Tigris river, the only place that people have to relax and ease the tensions caused by the IS occupation of Iraq`s second-largest city. 
A large number of young people, children and families gathered at the site waiting to see the programme that the extremists would deliver on big screen monitors that had been installed for the purpose. 
After the curtains were drawn back, hymns were sung encouraging people to join the Sunni jihad movement and, in particular, IS, which has occupied large swaths of Syrian and Iraqi territory. 
Then, viewers were horrified to see scenes of various bloody slayings by IS executioners, including beheadings and murders of hostages and prisoners of war.


  1. Hyenas.

    I have a book called "The Imitation of Christ" by Thomas a Kempis.

    In that same vein this movie should be called "The Imitation of Mohammad."
