
Tuesday, October 07, 2014

Catholic Bishop: Christians Can Use Lethal Force To Defend Themselves From “Satanist-Driven Islamic Organizations”

From CNS:
( – “Christians must do everything within their powers to protect their lives from being snuffed off by Satanist-driven Islamic organizations,” Bishop Joseph Bagobiri, the Roman Catholic head of Nigeria’s Kafanchan Diocese, said Sunday, according to Nigeria’s Vanguard newspaper. 
Bishop Bagobiri also noted, according to the Vanguard, that Christians have a “grave duty” to use “moderate and proportionate force” to defend their families against Islamic groups such as Boko Haram, which is responsible for the deaths of thousands of civilians since 2009. 
Boko Haram became internationally known after it staged a mass kidnapping of more than 250 Nigerian schoolgirls in April. Only one has reportedly escaped in nearly five months. Not fighting back is a “gross act of irresponsibility,” the bishop said at a Sunday reception, pointing out that “Christian communities that observe absolute pacifism have all ceased to exist.” 
Bishop Bagobiri invoked church teaching on “legitimate defense” in his remarks, noting that the Catechism of the Catholic Church describes it as an act of love towards oneself; and carried out out in defense of God’s gift to life, [of] which we are merely custodians. The theological authorities of the Church are emphatic: Love towards oneself remains a fundamental principle of morality. 
“Therefore, it is legitimate to insist on respect for one’s own right to life. Someone who defends his life is not guilty of murder even if he is forced to deal his aggressor a lethal blow,” Bishop Bagobiri said.
Jesus loved us enough to sacrifice his life for our sins. If we do not love ourselves, when He loves us, we are saying, with out thoughts and actions that he is wrong. He taught us that the body is the Temple of God. To allow damage to our bodies - out of a disregard for their sanctity - is to ransack God's Temple.

You know how Jesus treated the people who ransacked His Temple.


  1. finally someone speaking out with common sense, dont show this to ben "special snowflake" afleck, his head might explode from not being able to shout racist at the bishop

  2. "Satanist-driven Islamic Organizations." Exactly.
