
Monday, October 06, 2014

Ebola: It's Time TO FEAR The Reaper!

A commenter at my blog just left me this link to "Do The Math."

Please read it.



  2. worth repeating comment to this link:

    To the best of my knowledge, Israel who traditionally is first on the scene when there is a disaster has not sent their field hospital this time. If that is the case, I think it speaks volumes.

  3. Um, never mind! Sheesh.

    More coffee, please.

  4. African immigrants to America double every decade
    Africa-born people are currently in the news, in a bad way, given the spread of ebola to America in recent days.

    As it happens, this week the Census released a 10-page report about Africans in the US: The Foreign-Born Population From Africa: 2008-2012.

    It has numerous charts and tables like the map below, showing the location of national groups in the US. We now know about the 10,000 Liberians in north Texas because of the ebola flap, but there are many more of that nationality in Philadelphia.

    Go to Limits to Growth to see Walker’s commentary with maps and more charts!

    Which African countries are represented in your city?

    This post is filed in our extensive ‘where to find information’ category.

    Come to think of it, I’m kind of surprised that the Census Bureau is even reporting this information, isn’t it just downright politically incorrect to notice!

  5. How long before this administration touts its success in boosting the US economy with "ebola tourism."

  6. Are we all paying attention?

    This strain of Ebola is killing medical professionals!
