
Tuesday, October 07, 2014

ISIS On Verge Of Overrunning Key Syrian Border Town Of Kobani, “A Terrible Slaughter Is Coming”

Obama Contemplates The Little People

From the usually very liberal, Obama-supporting, Atlantic:
The theme of the week in the Syria conflict—that airstrikes are of only limited use in the struggle to degrade and destroy the Islamic State terror group—is about to be underscored in terrible fashion in the besieged border town of Kobani, which is under sustained, and mainly unanswered, assault by as many as 9,000 ISIS terrorists armed with tanks and rocket launchers. 
I just got off the phone with a desperate-sounding Kurdish intelligence official, Rooz Bahjat, who said he fears that Kobani could fall to ISIS within the next 24 hours. If it does, he predicts that ISIS will murder thousands in the city, which is crammed with refugees—Kurdish, Turkmen, Christian, and Arab—from other parts of the Syrian charnel house. 
As many as 50,000 civilians remain in the town, Bahjat said. “A terrible slaughter is coming. If they take the city, we should expect to have 5,000 dead within 24 or 36 hours,” he told me. 
“It will be worse than Sinjar,” the site of a recent ISIS massacre that helped prompt President Obama to fight ISIS. There have been reports of airstrikes on ISIS vehicles, but so far, Bahjat said that these strikes have been modest in scope and notably ineffective. 
Kobani is located on the Turkish border, but Bahjat said he is receiving reports that Turkey is pulling its troops back, rather than risk armed confrontation with ISIS. 
“It’s unbelievable—Turkey is in NATO, so you literally have NATO watching what is happening in this town. Everyone can see it—the TV cameras are there, watching. It’s terrible.”

Piers Morgan: “What The Hell Is Obama Doing?!”


  1. Quite amazing what a 3000 mile distance from Washington can do the the truth. Is also shows what a slimy putrid spineless fawning bunch of hypocritical sleazebags journalists as a whole are. The daily mail, Morgans current employers are nowhere nearly as enamoured with Obama as his previous ones.

  2. All strikes must be personally approved by pres Obama, the buck stops there, he's also the BFF of Erdogan who hates the Kurds....anymore questions?

  3. Will, I've read news stories that Erdogan and Obama don't get along anymore.

    Do you think that's disinformation?

  4. If you ask me it's total disinformation at the UN meeting last month O and Erdo talked for nearly 2 hours ....anyone else gets that much time with ear leader? And never forget O has his personal blackberry off limits to all.

    they also share both the same 'love' for Israel.

    Next Erdo will target Cypriot gas and that will involve Israel WW III here we come.

  5. Why? Does Israel invest in Cypriot gas?
