
Wednesday, October 01, 2014

Lois Lerner's Attorney Says, Lerner Released Confidential Taxpayer Information Because The Justice Department Ordered Her To Do So

Supreme Court Justices Have Immunity, Don't They?

Eric Holder just resigned, right?

Lerner's attorney is seeing that Lerner is being set up to take one mighty big fall. The next case in point has to do with her sending confidential taxpayer information to the FBI, which is itself a crime. This is obviously something the administration wants to pin on Lerner. Unfortunately for them, her attorney isn't permitting it: 
Oversight GOP has also hit Lerner for giving 1.1 million pages of tax return data about 501(c)(4) organizations to the FBI just before the 2010 midterms — 33 tax returns that included unlawfully disclosed private taxpayer information. Taylor said Lerner didn’t know and sent them because Justice requested the documents: 
"She [understood] the donor information on Schedule B had been removed. In some cases, we later learned, it may not have been." 
Of course, this would provide one prime example why Eric Holder is not prosecuting Lerner. 

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