
Thursday, October 30, 2014

Marz realizes that ISIS are a gang of savages

It appears Marz has shown a better side of himself, as somebody willing to recognize that the Islamic State of Iraq & Syria is a sick entity:

Amazing. Now Marz is beginning to get the picture of what Islamofascists are really like. I just hope he also realizes the belief system they go by is what's led to these horrors. After all, if communism led the Russians and Chinese to where they've been for many years, then something must've led ISIS to commit the atrocities they're pulling now.

However, he's also tweeted another flawed perception of countries with strict gun control laws:

As I'd once noted, countries with strict regulations are some of the worst places you can be on the globe. And ISIS' use of guns in Syria and Iraq contradicts the notion there's less gun violence in those regions, that's for sure. A similar situation occurred in Somalia/Kenya. And the worst part is that some of the weapons ISIS are using may have come from the USA. I don't suppose Marz finds that disturbing?

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