
Monday, October 06, 2014

The Category Candidate

With Obama, the Liberal left has ushered in the concept of the ‘category candidate’.  It matters not who it is or what experiences it may have as long as it fits a category they can sell to the American voter.

We now have the Black category. Check that box off.

Next to be hawked to the voter is the vagina or woman category. Hillary fits the category - she has one.

To be followed in the years to come by the Hispanic category, Native-American category, gay, transvestite, and transsexual categories. The polygamist and illegal alien categories will follow. Notice I did not say Asian American. They are not useful as a ‘victim’ category because of their economic success in this country due to their cultural values.

The Left, in their attempt at protecting individual rights, has de-humanized the individual. It has turned them into ‘hyphens’ and census numbers. 

Those candidates of the conservative nature that fit a category are treated as people - not the valued categories of the Left  - and are to be despised as individuals no matter how vaulted their experience and qualifications.

As long as the 40% of this country of low information voters continues to be hoodwinked by the Left’s category candidate platform, the continued demise of this country will continue.

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