
Monday, December 22, 2014

Holland: “Government is investigating whether parties wishing to introduce the Sharia, Islamic law, should be banned”

Sharia is Sedition

From DK News:
Democracy is not invulnerable, so this is necessary. Thanks to Sjoerd for the translation from NOS: 
“The government is investigating whether parties wishing to introduce the Sharia, Islamic law, should be banned. Minister Asscher (Social Affairs and Employment) writes to the parliament that the government stands up for the rule of law and takes the issue extremely seriously. CDA, VVD and SGP recently called the government to submit a proposal to ban groups whose “objectives inevitably lead to the evasion of our democratic system.” 
According to CDA, VVD and SGP there is no room for groups who abuse the rule of law to abolish it. They cite as an example groups that advocate Sharia. Asscher writes that he, together with the ministers Plasterk and Opstelten, will come with a fundamental analysis of a ban early 2015. 
The government wants to put this analysis in a historical, constitutional and international perspective.” 
And the latest Dutch poll (December 23 2014):

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