
Wednesday, December 03, 2014

Labor Activists Tell UC Students To Do Their Part In “Bringing Down Israel” To Benefit The World

From Watchdog:
A November 12 panel discussion on the University of California’s flagship Berkeley campus was billed as an opportunity to learn about events 7,000 miles away in Israel – and about a Dec. 4 graduate student vote to join the anti-Israel Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement. 
Instead, attendees were exhorted to bring down the Jewish State. Hosted by UAW 2865, a union of over 13,000 student-workers across the University of California system, the union’s BDS Caucus brought in guest speakers to “discuss the role of organized labor in the Palestine solidarity movement.” 
Panelist Lara Kiswani, executive director of the Arab Resource and Organizing Center (AROC), dominated the conversation. “I think you should boycott any Zionist institution, academic, organization, whether it be from 1967 occupied Palestine or 1948 occupied Palestine, because BDS really should be about shifting the cultural framework and shifting how we see Israel and isolating it and making it feel unwelcome anywhere and everywhere,” said Kiswani. 
“Bringing down Israel will really benefit everyone in the world and everyone in society, particularly workers,” she said later.


  1. These are the same gullible students who simultaneously buy into 'white privilege' garbage. How difficult is it to imagine these professors eventually requiring their chosen identity group to earn their grades by volunteering to illustrate Russian roulette in a class as a lesson in Probability & Statistics or "anthropogenic-climate-change-related-population- control" lessons?

    As long as this generation of parents consider re-mortgaging their property & encourage their progeny to absorb decades of debt to cover the exorbitant tuition which funds these tenured university 'intellectual' brainwashing eunuchs - society will reap the dark, soul-less desolation of intellect they sow.
