
Sunday, December 07, 2014

Six Terrorists from GITMO sent to Uruguay as Refugees

First Obama screwed up Egypt then Libya, Syria, Yemen, and Iraq and now he's using US military airplanes to transfer terrorists to my backyard. Any terrorist attacks resulting from this are squarely the responsibility of Obama and those imbecile Americans who voted for this bastard.

From Buenos Aires Herald:

Six men held for more than a decade at the US military prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, were sent to Uruguay for resettlement today, the Pentagon said, the latest step in a slow-moving effort by the Obama administration to close the facility.
The release of the four Syrians, a Tunisian and a Palestinian, who were flown to South America aboard a US military plane, represented the largest single group to leave the internationally condemned US detention camp since 2009.
President Barack Obama took office nearly six years ago promising to shut the prison, citing its damage to America’s image around the world. But he has been unable to do so, partly because of obstacles posed by the US Congress.

These terrorists are from Syria, Tunisia and Jordan (Palestine isn't a country) and their own governments didn't even want them back:

From Clarin, a local Argentine newspaper (roughly translated from Spanish):
The president of Uruguay [Mujica] agreed to receive the men as a humanitarian gesture and said that they [the terrorists] will receive help to establish themselves in this country [Uruguay] that has a small Muslim population. "We are very thankful to Uruguay for this important humanitarian action and to President Mujica for his strong leadership in offering a home [or place] to individuals who are unable to return to their own countries", said Clifford Sloan, envoy of the State Department.
Mujica, who was the president of Uruguay until last month (another idiot from his party is now the president), is a former communist terrorist so no wonder he wanted to receive these Muzzie terrorists with open arms. And obviously Obama has been supporting terrorists all over the world so no wonder his State Department considers letting terrorist go free as a "humanitarian" gesture.

Oh and don't think this doesn't affect you Americans. Thanks to the idiot you elected as president TWICE, borders are wide open and its not that hard for terrorists here to travel to Mexico.


  1. Has the Muslim Triangle extended it's area of influence into Uruguay now?

  2. Related:
    USNews 5/12/2014: A Lasting Friendship With Uruguay The U.S. has a lot to gain from a good relationship with President Mujica.

    " At the same time, Uruguay is among a handful of countries that have
    publicly offered to accept U.S. prisoners held on terrorism charges and now
    being released from Guantánamo. It appears that there is ongoing disagreement over whether those released will be permitted to travel outside Uruguay. But the gesture itself is significant, particularly from a country that, during the dictatorship, had one of the highest ratios of political prisoners to overall
    population in the world. Mujica himself spent years in solitary confinement./blockquote>

    UPI: Uruguayan President Jose Mujica confirms he will take Guantanamo prisoners - Mujica made the same offer in March. (12/6/2014)

    MONTEVIDEO, Uruguay, Dec. 6 (UPI) -- Uruguayan President Jose Mujica confirmed Friday his country will take six Guantanamo prisoners who have not been charged with any crimes.

    Mujica says Guantanamo is not a prison but a "nest of kidnapping," as he
    believes the six prisoners in question should have been charged with a crime and
    put before a court.

    Mujica offered to take the prisoners in March. He was once a prisoner himself
    for over a decade, having been a captured Guerrilla army leader in the 1970s,
    and he sympathizes with prisoners facing what he sees as injustice.

    It has been reported the prisoners will likely arrive on Tuesday, but Mujica
    has not confirmed their arrival date.

    Over 172 Guantanamo prisoners have been cleared for a transfer but have not
    yet been moved.

    Mujica is well known for his decision to legalize marijuana in the country and his liberal views on gay marriage and abortion. He will be succeeded by recently re-elected former President Tabare Vazquez, who is a politician of the same political party.

  3. "It appears that there is ongoing disagreement over whether those released will be permitted to travel outside Uruguay."

    Nope. They came to Uruguay as refugees because Uruguay has time and again said that their human rights have been violated. Seeing what happened with communist terrorists here in Argentina and Uruguay, this basically means a fast track to citizenship of Uruguay and then visa free travel to all of South America and countless European countries.

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. "Has the Muslim Triangle extended it's area of influence into Uruguay now?"

    No. And neither have they in Buenos Aires. But lax immigration controls and the current governments' favorable view of Muzzie terrorists makes it extremely easy for these vermin to travel through here without worry.

  6. They will rapidly move to Tres Fronteras, where the action is. Money laundering, drug and human trafficking, moving terrorists, overall, a perfect plan for chaos. Remember these are the guys who were so dangerous that could not be let out. Well, Obama found a way to deal with the problem: send them to the commies in S.A.
