
Tuesday, December 02, 2014

Starbucks Closed All Stores in Israel, Opened 600 in Muslim Countries, Makes Statement It Does Not Support Israel

From Jews News:

With so much unrest in the Middle East, it’s nearly impossible for an international company to take sides. Americans have found themselves divided once again, pitted against one another regarding the Israel-Gaza conflict.
One company in particular was caught bragging about their vast partnerships with many Muslim countries in the Middle East, around 600 to be exact.
Facing almost as much publicity as Chick-fil-A, Starbucks is giving customers yet another reason to dump them.
The coffee chain closed every store in Israel over 11 years ago and has recently issued a statement that they do not support Israel in any way and will not in the future.
The company is making it clear that neither Starbucks nor CEO Howard Schultz “provides financial support to Israel,” or her military, in the wake of what the coffee giant called “false rumors.”
The company explained that it closed all of its stores in Israel in 2003 because of “operational challenges.”
Spokesman Jim Olson wouldn’t go into detail about what “challenges” the company faced with Israel, but made it clear that it “was not related to political issues.”
Questions and Answers from the official Starbucks website:
Is it true that Starbucks or Howard Schultz provides financial support to Israel?
No. This is absolutely untrue. Rumors that Starbucks or Howard provides financial support to the Israeli government and/or the Israeli Army are unequivocally false. Starbucks is a publicly held company and as such, is required to disclose any corporate giving each year through a proxy statement.
Has Starbucks ever sent any of its profits to the Israeli government and/or Israeli army?
No. This is absolutely untrue.
Is it true that Starbucks closed its stores in Israel for political reasons?=
No. We do not make business decisions based on political issues. We decided to dissolve our partnership in Israel in 2003 due to the on-going operational challenges that we experienced in that market. After many months of discussion with our partner we came to this amicable decision. While this was a difficult decision for both companies, we believe it remains the right decision for our businesses.
Do you have plans to re-open should the opportunity arise?
We decided to dissolve our partnership in Israel in 2003 due to the on-going operational challenges that we experienced in that market.
When and where the business case makes sense and we see a fit for the Starbucks brand in a market we will work closely with a local partner to assess the feasibility of offering our brand to that community. We will therefore continue to assess all opportunities on this basis. At present, we will continue to grow our business in the Middle East as we have been very gratified by the strong reception of the brand in the region. We continue to work closely with our business partner, the Alshaya Group, in developing our plans for the region.
Do you work with a Middle East partner to operate Starbucks stores?
Through a licensing agreement with trading partner and licensee MH Alshaya WLL, a private Kuwait family business, Starbucks has operated in the Middle East since 1999. Today Alshaya Group, recognized as one of the leading and most influential retailing franchisees in the region, operates nearly 600 Starbucks stores in the Middle East and Levant region. In addition to its Starbucks stores, the Alshaya Group operates more than 2,600 retail stores in the Middle East, Russia and North Africa, providing jobs for more than 40,000 employees of more than 110 nationalities.
We are extremely fortunate and proud to have forged a successful partnership for the past fifteen years and look forward to building on this success.



Let's see, I'd estimate I spend about $2000 a year at Starbucks.

Ah, yeah, make that $0, Mr. Schultz, you fucking scum.


  1. Never been a fan of Starbucks. I visited two locations over the last two decades and on both occasions I found the odor of burnt coffee beans less than appealing. Since I like my coffee light and sweet, the bitter taste of the burnt beans overpowered the effort to lighten and sweeten their brew. Won't take any effort for me to avoid this establishment. I don't know anyone in my area who prefers Starbucks to Dunkin Donuts anyway. Starbucks is invited to pack up and move out of this area too.

  2. I DO like Starbucks products and I do support them with my business.

    I WILL investigate this for corroboration and, if true, I will cease to support this business.

    Anti-Israel and anti-Semitism is an absolute deal breaker for me. No exceptions.

  3. Investigate it at the link. It comes from Starbuck's website.

  4. Nico,
    Like you, I am very disturbed by how many Jews make these kinds of decisions and anti-Israel proclamations.

    It is, in my opinion, the height of ingratitude.

  5. Since it's in Starbucks Web page, there is no reason to doubt the information. Apparently the decision was made in 2003, and if as they say, the decision is not political, I'm sorry for their poor leadership.

    I'm done with them. They have seen the last of me.

  6. Im guessing that their partner threatened to switch to another coffee company if starbucks continued to do business with Israel, so they were forced to decide either leave the rest of the mideast - which is obviously a far larger market than Israel - or sacrifice Israel (and its soul) and do business in dumps like Saudi Arabia, Lebanon, etc.

  7. Schultz's new book -For Love of Country- honors our veterans an troops-
    am I here to defend him- no -
    I am wondering what the "operational challenges " are-
    is Israel perfect? No- I remember the IAF attacking a US Flagged Naval vessel-a few years ago --

  8. I can tell you that in texas a lot of muslims go to starbucks since a lot of them are students going to school to learn something to take back to the mideast to be more effective with their anti israel trip and they go there too because they don't like alcohol and certainly avoid alcohol-serving restaurants and western decadence. They don't talk to westerners like me or else thy'll be chastised and merit some just sharia punishment. When I wear my rosary or read my bible as a break from working on my computer i can see they don't like that since its intolerant and insensitive to them. Oh well, the coffee is still pretty good.
