
Saturday, January 24, 2015

But At Least He'll Meet With Netanyahu. Oh, wait....

Yes, in yet another example of Obama's respect for the Jewish people, he refuses to visit Auschwitz on the 70th anniversary of its liberation.

And he refuses to meet with Netanyahu when he visits Washington at the request of John Boehner.

But I guess that's an improvement on the way he treated Netanyahu on a previous visit, when he left him alone in a room while Obama enjoyed a leisurely meal.

Whatta guy!

From Free Beacon

By Daniel Wiser


Barack Obama

To Article


  1. Time of Israel reports WH has stated they are going to make Bibi (and Israel???) PAY for the offense and insult of accepting Boehner and McConnell's invite, when the R's didn't even bother to tell the pres.

    Offensive, huh?
    They must PAY, huh?

    Does this remind anyone of anything else?

  2. in other news, he couldn't be bothered when it was Thatcher's funeral or the Paris rally but he IS cutting short his visit to India to stop in Saudi Arabia and pay his respects.
