
Saturday, January 24, 2015

Gail Simone delights me with another honor

Simone has written several comic books over the years, but is sadly an ultra-leftist person, as she once made abundantly clear on the Chuck Dixon forum, where she no longer visits. And here now in this special post is a little something she had to say about me along with silly ol' Judd Winick:

LOL! Swearing is not enough, she's got to back herself up to boot, and she hasn't, so why bother writing that, other than to say, "I hate you", which is just what her tweet amounts to? If that's your sentiment, say so, Mrs. Simone, don't hold back. There's also this combo involving Ron Marz:

Good! Because asking for any from such an awful man would be foolish in the extreme. He's only made me feel honored as well. When did I ever ask for any from such a disgrace who's got such lack of caring for life?

That could easily describe a certain somebody who sees nothing wrong with Islamofascism, and the misogyny and homophobia practiced within it. She's pretty good for laughing at herself. In fact, I think I'll put on a Hannibal Buress routine now and tell things like they are.

"See, I'm Gail Simone and I can talk down to everybody because I've got this great career writing comic books!" Yeah, but you turn a deaf ear and a blind eye to the plight of women and homosexuals in Muslim countries, Gail. So please, kindly tone down that shrieky little boast of yours, why don't you? Because you're a charlatan and a major embarrassment, that's what. In retrospect, you actually deserved to lose your gig writing Birds of Prey, and you've never even offered any genuine gratitude to Dixon for getting the series launched to start with. Any women who's a realist and figures out how your mind functions isn't going to consider you a big deal in the long run, and neither are gays and lesbians who figure that out. So wake up and smell the coffee, Gail, because you're only riding the same futile path as Don Quixote.

So far, Simone has never actually indicated she's willing to apologize for "media enablers" of people in comicdom who endorse or tolerate misogyny, in storytelling or real life. But with these tweets, she's come pretty close. I'm honestly not too surprised she'd be willing to act as some kind of apologist in certain instances, and it was probably bound to happen sooner or later. Ah well, it just shows how poor some folksies' judgement can be when money is involved.

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