
Tuesday, January 06, 2015

The case MADE for a SCOTUS history making decision: FBI claims NO WARRANTS needed to monitor calls via technology

Why does the FBI need the ability to monitor ALL CALLS,

****** JUST IN CASE???? ******

Amendment IV The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, ***PAPERS, AND EFFECTS***, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

FBI says search warrants not needed to use “stingrays” in public places

Feds’ position on decoy cell-site towers continues anti-privacy theme.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation is taking the position that court warrants are not required when deploying cell-site simulators in public places. Nicknamed “stingrays,” the devices are decoy cell towers that capture locations and identities of mobile phone users and can intercept calls and texts.
The FBI made its position known during private briefings with staff members of Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.) and Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa). In response, the two lawmakers wrote Attorney General Eric Holder and Homeland Security chief Jeh Johnson, maintaining they were “concerned about whether the FBI and other law enforcement agencies have adequately considered the privacy interests” of Americans.
According to the letter, which was released last week:
For example, we understand that the FBI’s new policy requires FBI agents to obtain a search warrant whenever a cell-site simulator is used as part of a FBI investigation or operation, unless one of several exceptions apply, including (among others): (1) cases that pose an imminent danger to public safety, (2) cases that involve a fugitive, or (3) cases in which the technology is used in public places or other locations at which the FBI deems there is no reasonable expectation of privacy.
The letter was prompted in part by a Wall Street Journal report in November that said the Justice Department was deploying small airplanes equipped with cell-site simulators that enabled “investigators to scoop data from tens of thousands of cellphones in a single flight, collecting their identifying information and general location.”
For the Constitution to have ANY MEANING in protecting our rights it must be enforced.
Today we see LAWLESSNESS by the president defended via failure to prosecute national legislative law AS THE CASE, not the exception with regard to our national borders. Just listen to the torturous ‘logic’ employed to find a way to make failure to follow the law as a main mode of operating with regard to the borders sound like something else
We have seen voter intimidation IGNORED because of the color of those intimidated
We have seen the Justice Department break the laws as a strategy and tactic to subvert the 2nd Amendment (i.e THE CONSTITUTION) passed by 3/4 of the states legislatures, and congress.
We have seen repression, American Style, via the IRS threatening through its power to ruin lives, SILENCING, and attempting to silence political opposition to government’s burgeoning size and power.
We have seen unmistakeable action by this administration to halt opposition to this repression via covering up its own actions in SUPPORTING REPRESSION OF FREE OPPOSITIONAL SPEECH.
The idea that an elected administration has as its right the means at its disposal to ignore and subvert the Constitution because they CAN is a danger to the republic.
The public has, since the election of a majority in Congress and then the Senate  of the OPPOSITE party to the president signaled its unmistakeable displeasure with the president, his manner of doing things, and the goals he has in mind.
The president’s labyrinthine ‘logic and loyalty’ to those who did not vote as his mandate to VIOLATE the public trust is as pointless as divining the meaning of his followers who did NOT follow him to the polls across, now, SEVERAL congressional elections. Perhaps they did NOT follow him and vote D because they recognize the tragic error, and are too polarized to vote R.
Congress and SCOTUS need to PROTECT our rights and freedoms by insisting the Constitution and it’s protections from BOTH any majority (R or D) and the government BE ENFORCED.
The FBI has no right to monitor any call it decides to, especially by collecting EVERY CALL and then going back later to find what they want.
Get a warrant, or SLINK AWAY


  1. Glad you wrote about this one. It totally pissed me off when I read the story yesterday.

  2. Since targeting the Muslim community, including US former criminals reintegrated in society, because that would be profiling, they have to target everybody ...
