
Saturday, February 21, 2015

“it’s more important that American government operate efficiently than it is to preserve America’s checks and balances.”

The answer of the 31% of the American people??

More than one-quarter of likely U.S. voters think President Obama should ignore federal court rulings “if they are standing in the way of actions he feels are important for the country,” according to Rasmussen Reports polling data released Friday.
An even bigger segment of Americans polled — 31 percent — said they believe Obama should take action overriding Congress on “important” issues and that it’s more important that American government operate “efficiently” than it is to preserve America’s checks and balances.
There was a distinct partisan split among the 800 likely voters polled.
On the issue of Obama ignoring court orders, 81 percent of Republicans and 67 percent of unaffiliated voters said the president should not be able to disregard inconvenient court cases, but among Democrats, 43 percent said Obama should be able to brush aside judges’ decisions that don’t go his way.
Now, there is only one answer to this …


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