
Monday, March 30, 2015

How Obama’s demonic Israel compulsion is about to END the UN

Today in the Washington Post Jackson Diehl has this to say:
Obama’s next earthquake
By declaring Israeli-Palestinian peace negotiations dead and blaming Netanyahu, Obama laid the predicate for a decision to go forward with a U.S.-backed U.N. Security Council resolution that would set the terms for a final peace settlement. Envisioned as an updating of U.N. Resolution 242, which has been part of the framework for the Mideast “peace process” since the 1960s, the idea would be to mandate the solution to the questions Israelis and Palestinians have been unable to agree upon for decades, such as the future status of Jerusalem. Not incidentally, it would provide Obama with the Mideast legacy he has craved since his first day in office.
Whether or not it accelerated Palestinian statehood (and most likely it wouldn’t), Obama’s initiative would set off an earthquake in U.S. foreign relations and for Israel’s standing in the world. For nearly half a century, the United States has taken the position that the terms for a peace settlement between Israelis and Palestinians must come about as the result of negotiations and not as an imposition by outside parties. At the United Nations, it has been a given that Washington will veto resolutions that aim to compel Israel to accept terms.
Now Obama is contemplating going forward with a resolution that was drafted last year by Secretary of State John Kerry and his Mideast negotiations team at the State Department. The language was drawn up in response to efforts by the Palestinians and France to win support for Security Council resolutions following the collapse of Kerry’s attempt to get Israeli and Palestinian assent to a “framework agreement.”
In fact, Obama’s DISREGARD for the public, now clearly waking up to being euchred in too many ways, will usher in a period of Republican presidency, and republicans majorities in the House, and close to a veto proof one in the Senate.
This president will then find, in Jan 2017 UN Security council resolutions, and possibly SANCTIONS against Israel which he will have promised to reverse. He will then instruct all executive arms to DISREGARD all sanctions, and get a law stating the same through congress which he will sign.
We will then see the world divide between a POSSIBLE Chinese international banking system which MIGHT keep to whatever China leans towards in terms of sanctions, and the USA and World Bank which will ignore them.The Chinese are pretty amoral, so who knows what considerations might be critical then? They may have defense deals with Israel going on after Obama jettisons Israel.
UN sanctions and resolutions will thus end having ANY legitimacy, and US support for the UN in ANY MANNER will be a debating point. Even TODAY, the Senate is questioning any further US economic support for the UN if the Iran nuke deal is implemented thru the UN instead of congress.
And THAT will be that.
It will make nice condos, on the east side, anyway.