
Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Obama Is Going To Help Egypt?

Obama on Monday said he would ask the U.S. Congress for US$1.3 billion per year in military aid for Egypt and said he would lift holds on aircraft, missiles and tanks for Cairo in place since October 2013, the White House said in a statement.
WASHINGTON: President Barack Obama on Monday said he would ask the U.S. Congress for US$1.3 billion per year in military aid for Egypt and said he would lift holds on aircraft, missiles and tanks for Cairo in place since October 2013, the White House said in a statement.
Obama also said that the United States would discontinue starting in fiscal 2018 Egypt’s use of cash flow financing, a financial mechanism that allows Egypt to buy equipment on credit, the White House said.
WASHINGTON (AP) — President Barack Obama is releasing military aid to Egypt that was suspended after the 2013 coup in that country.
The White House says Obama is lifting the hold on sending F-16 fighter jets, tanks and other material to Egypt. The U.S. has been weighing whether to lift the hold to help combat the extremist threat spilling over from Libya and in the Sinai Peninsula.
But the White House says it is not issuing a certification that Egypt has made progress toward democracy. Instead, the U.S. is maintaining that the aid is in the interest of U.S. national security.
The U.S. had to do one or the other to unblock the aid. The funds were suspended 21 months ago when the military overthrew Islamist President Mohammed Morsi.


  1. EPA posted the DEBKA linked story..."Egypt seizes Bab el Mandeb ahead of Iran.. WAR AHEAD?" below.

    IIRC, earlier this week, I read a report about an incident where Americans struck at ISIS and the local'so called Moderates' abandoned their posts for Americans to take over.

    Given all the military assets abandoned to ISIS thus far in addition to Obama's petulance with relation to Israel....this appears to be a set up with Samantha Powers prints all over it.

  2. He anticipates Egypts interests at Bab el Mandeb will be abandoned in similar manner once ISIS' will within Egypt becomes ever apparent. Al Sisis's moderation efforts have been impressive but will remain subject to blowback by reorganized MB factions. Recall the strength and numbers of the Muslim Brotherhood when Mubarek was eliminated. They will again emerge in attempt to taking control...if not of Egypt, then of regions which present better options to attack Israel. Any success against Israel will bolster Koranic prophesy which in turn delegitimizes "moderation". Obama has seen examples of this in Libya, Iraq, and Afghanistan. He is betting it will happen again.
