
Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Dennis Prager Explains Why Pamela Geller May Be The Most Hated Woman in America Right Now

From Prager:
Pamela Geller – the woman whose group, the American Freedom Defense Initiative, organized the Muhammad cartoon drawing contest in Garland, Texas – may be the most hated person in America right now. 
She is certainly the left’s chief villain. And, sad to say, though few conservatives hate her, more than a few have condemned her. 
The question is why? Here are three reasons. 
Reason One: The left hates those who confront evil 
The first and most important reason is a rule of life that I wrote about in a recent column explaining the left’s hatred for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu: 
Those who don’t fight evil hate those who do. 
This is a defining characteristic of the American left. That is why the left loathed President Ronald Reagan for labeling the Soviet Union an “evil empire”: He judged and confronted communism, the greatest evil in the world after World War II. 
Today, the world’s greatest evil is Islamism (the movement to impose Islam and its Shariah on society). Just as the left loathed anti-Communists, it loathes anti-Islamists, chief among whom is Netanyahu, the prime minister of the country that the Islamists most hate, the country that most confronts violent Islam – and not coincidentally the country the international left most hates. 
But the left hates anti-Islamists generally, not just Netanyahu. They have successfully demonized anti-Islamists and even critics of Islam as “Islamophobes,” meaning anti-Muslim “bigots” and “haters.” 
Pamela Geller is now chief among them.

1 comment:

  1. And probably also the most admired. She has the balls politicians and MSM moguls lack.

    I only pray God will keep protecting her. She is fighting THE FIGHT!
