
Friday, May 22, 2015

Judicial Watch President Says, The Question Is Whether or Not Hillary Clinton Stays Out of Jail

Tom Fitton, President of Judicial Watch:
“The ironic thing is she has all these records. And, if they are quote, “State Department records,” then why did she keep them in her home or wherever she was keeping them until someone asked them for them and sort of forced her response. 
The fact is that she deleted records. And she turned over records with no oversight that supposedly are government records. And now she says she wants them released as soon as possible. 
You know, for instance, on her Clinton Foundation records, we asked for those records in 2011. We waited two years and had to sue in 2013 and only got the records last year. 
So the idea that she wants these records out as soon as possible is belied by the facts and it shows you that politicians like Hillary Clinton who are corrupt depend on making, or saying big lies and just powering through the oversight and accountability the rest of Americans face when they violate the law. 
You know, my view the discussion about Hillary Clinton shouldn’t be about whether or not she wins the primary but whether or not she stays out of jail.“

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