An editorial from Eeyore at the Vlad Tepes Blog:
A couple of times in the past week examples of the media using names to push a political narrative has come up. This has been addressed before on this site and very well on Gates of Vienna at that link.
This week it has to do with an accomplice in the case of the Boston man who wanted to decapitate Pamela Geller or a random police officer or whatever other target. Clearly anyone who is that committed to jihad has taken an islamic name which will come out sooner or later but the media will never use. Instead, they call him by his birth name, David Wright. The same media, CNN, MSNBC and so on, also referred to various people captured and executed by the Islamic State by names they were almost certainly forced to take when the IS forced them to ‘convert’ to islam. Examples are in this document as well as the link to GoV above.
The reason the media chose to refer to these people by their non-chosen islamic names is almost certainly because the Obama admin. and its lackey media is desperate to find ways of painting muslims as victims and non-muslims as aggressors. Its an old trick but it must be working as they clearly have not changed it.
Also I notice the media desperate to refer to a man who is the newest ‘celebrity surgically-assisted-transvestite’ as his taken female name as if somehow by an act of god he had been transformed into an XX female by mere will, a dress and some saline plastic bags placed on his pectoral muscles. No one in the industry we should laughingly call, ‘news’ bothers to mention that it is in fact impossible to change genders. Short of a very few genetic defects where a person is born with a condition that requires some surgery to become one or the other, 99+% of the population is male or female and this is how our species and nearly every other one carries on. Frankly its embarrassing to even write this stuff as its so damn obvious. But cultural marxism has managed to take what is in fact a mental illness and make it into a human right. It is like demanding rights for schizophrenics to live out their hallucinations no matter how they impact others.
Common sense sure is hard to come across these days. Media indoctrination reinforced by the mis-education complex I guess.
ReplyDeleteI'm holding forth to a college age group of relatives and friends about the idiotic story concerning a former athletic great:
Told them that he is a man whatever he might believe to the contrary. If he has his penis removed then he is male eunuch. But he can not change his sex. No one can.
To a person they objected, told me I has NO IDEA what I was talking about. One even said "that may have been true in your day...". The discussion became too emotionally heated to continue so I dropped the subject.
We are now a nation of idiots.
Yes, I have had similar experiences with the young'uns in my family.
ReplyDeleteThey are indoctrinated.
The problem for them is they will reap what they sow. It is in the reaping that they will learn that you and I were right the whole time. And they will be sorry.
But I would prefer that those I love do not have to learn lessons the hard way.
The same media, CNN, MSNBC and so on, also referred to various people captured and executed by the Islamic State by names they were almost certainly forced to take when the IS forced them to ‘convert’ to islam.
ReplyDeleteFurthermore, I've heard those talking heads refer to the dead jihadists as "gentlemen."
You can't make this stuff up!
"But I would prefer that those I love do not have to learn lessons the hard way."
ReplyDeleteAgree, but it's almost frightening. Some of "those I love" are beginning to behave like young communists from the Stalin era. It seemed as though a few would be willing to denounce me to some Zampolit. As though they have a greater allegiance to their beliefs and causes, however temporary, than to their own flesh and blood.
Didn't think I'd ever that in the USA.
Agree on all of the above. Unfortunately, this transformation happened under our watch. We had the wisdom but failed to see what was developing under our very eyes. I have four kids. 1 and 2 are conservatives, I believe 3 is liberal to upset the rest of the family, and 4 caught me very tired, though managed to get the tape in her head. Still, she's a machine repeating liberal idiocy, but eventually she comes around. Anyway, politics and world events are taboo issues at family gatherings ... This includes of course female morals and demeanor ....