
Thursday, June 04, 2015

“It is permissible for the mujahid [jihadi] to enjoy young boys in the absence of women.”

From Jihad Watch:
Recently a number of Arabic language websites posted the following picture which is attributed to the official Twitter account of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the Caliph Ibrahim of the Islamic State. 
The Arabic writing reads: 
“It is permissible for the mujahid [jihadi] to enjoy young boys in the absence of women.” 
The purported fatwa then justifies this position by quoting Koran 52:24: 
“There will circulate among them [servant] boys [especially] for them, as if they were pearls well-protected.” 
A similar verses (76:19) reads: “There will circulate among them young boys made eternal. When you see them, you would think them [as beautiful as] scattered pearls.”

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